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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

10-Year Capital Highway Investment Plan

MnDOT's 10-Year Capital Highway Investment Plan

The 10-year Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP) details MnDOT’s capital highway investments for the next ten years on the state highway network. The CHIP is updated yearly to remove projects that are currently being constructed, adjust timing of existing planned projects, and add new planned projects. The primary purpose of the document is to communicate programmed and planned capital highway projects over the next 10 years. The document serves as a check to ensure that MnDOT is meeting the investment levels and performance outcomes identified in the 20-year Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) and explains any change in direction or outcomes from the investment direction.

The first four years represent state highway projects in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) which is MnDOT’s committed construction program. The CHIP also identifies projects in the six years after the current STIP which are the agency’s planned investments. While projects do not have funding commitments until they reach the STIP, listing potential projects 5-10 years out allows for advanced coordination and ultimately better projects for all those served.

Project Selection Policy

In 2017, the Minnesota Legislature directed the Minnesota Department of Transportation to develop and implement a new transparent and objective project selection policy for construction projects on the state highway system. MnDOT adopted the new project selection policy in November 2018. State highway projects in the CHIP identify the project score and the project selection program it was selected from, for applicable projects.

For more information on the project selection policy and the lists of candidate projects please see MnDOT’s Project Selection webpage.

2025-2034 10-Year CHIP

Current as of August 2024

CHIP Mapping Application

For copies of old versions of the CHIP, please contact Mike Samuelson.

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