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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Freight Performance Measures

Freight and Rail Planning

Freight Performance Measures

Freight performance measures are used to track the status of Minnesota’s freight system. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires states to regularly report certain freight performance measures and identify performance measures in their State Freight Plan.

MnDOT’s Performance and Risk unit also maintains a Performance Measure Dashboard for various MnDOT performance measures.

Performance Measures

In the 2024 update to the State Freight Plan, MnDOT used a performance-based planning approach to identify freight performance measures (read more about this approach in the State Freight Plan). These performance measures support the State Freight Plan’s objectives and goals, as well as the goals of the Minnesota Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP).

The following freight performance measures are key freight performance measures that may be considered in planning and decision-making across MnDOT offices. See the State Freight Plan for the full list of freight performance measures.


Mobility/Critical Connections

Climate Action

System Stewardship


  • Freight tonnage by mode (overview in State Freight Plan Executive Summary, detail in Chapter 3)


Minnesota Freight Bottlenecks Reports

The Minnesota Statewide Freight Bottlenecks Reports provide a summary of the most severe truck freight bottlenecks on the National Highway System (NHS) in Minnesota. MnDOT creates these reports to meet the requirements of Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), a federal law that identifies specific transportation performance measure reporting requirements. The federal Infrastructure Improvement and Jobs Act (IIJA) continued this requirement. These reports identify a truck freight bottleneck by calculating truck delay on road segments, as described in more detail in the reports. These reports will be produced every two years to comply with federal reporting requirements.