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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Consultant Services Section


The goal of Consultant Services is to provide services to develop, execute, and administer Professional/ Technical (P/T) consultant contracts in order to deliver projects in a timely, cost effective, and quality manner. In addition, we strive for consistency related to P/T contracts statewide.

Products the section provides

  • Contracts/District Support Services
    • P/T contract support services to districts and offices, which includes providing contracting process and writing assistance, contract review services, etc.
    • P/T contract administration for offices that do not have in-house contract administrators
    • P/T contract administration for specialized work types such as environmental services, research services, value engineering, general engineering contractor services, etc.
    • Updates to and support of the external Consultant Services website
  • Programs/Support Services
    • Initiating, monitoring, and support of various programs that assist districts/offices in obtaining the services in demand in a timely manner, including, but not limited to, the Pre-Qualification Program, Certified List Programs, and Master Contract Programs
    • Routing of all P/T contract documents for the appropriate signatures (statewide)
    • Acting as the central repository to store data related to P/T contracts (statewide)
  • Accounting Services
    • Close work with the Division Directors in monitoring, distributing, and tracking the consultant services allocation
    • Financial reporting
    • Fund encumbrance for P/T contracts
    • Processing and issuing of payment on invoices for all P/T contracts
  • Contract Close-Out Services
    • Contract close-out services, which include ensuring that the appropriate paperwork is complete at the end of the project and a final and complete audit is conducted as required
    • Report to the Department of Administration, final performance evaluations, on all contracts exceeding $25,000

What to expect from the section

  • The products listed above
  • Consultant Services provides assistance to districts and offices on contract programs, selection methods, and contract development and execution

What you need to provide to the section

  • Collaboration, which plays an important role in successful contract development and execution
  • Various types of contract related documents, depending upon the process you are using

What the section expects from you

  • Follow the appropriate P/T contract processes