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Research & Innovation

MnDOT and LRRB research funding awards CY2024/FY2026

The Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Steering Committee and the Minnesota Local Road Research Board have announced funding awards for the CY2024/FY2026 academic transportation research Request for Proposals (RFP).

The following proposals were selected for funding in 2025. Choose a project below to sign up for project updates.

Category Need Statement Project Title Principal Investigator University Funding Program
Bridges & structures Unsolicited Assessing the capacity of four steel hinges extracted from existing bridges Pedram Mortazavi University of Minnesota MnDOT
Environmental KB24-01-1 Quantifying the influence of driver behavior on greenhouse gas emissions and air quality Will Northrop University of Minnesota LRRB
NS-738 Incorporation of soil health engineered measures on MnDOT construction projects and resilient stormwater management Bora Cetin Michigan State University MnDOT
NS-744 Innovative stormwater solutions for linear projects Andrew Erickson University of Minnesota Joint
NS-746 Feasibility of LED solar street lighting Mijia Yang North Dakota State University LRRB
Unsolicited Development of biochar specification criteria as soil amendment for slopes, conveyances and stormwater treatment systems, phase 2 Meijun Cai University of Minnesota - Duluth Joint
Maintenance operations NS-729 Utilizing hydrogen fuel technology for transportation fleets Zhanping You Michigan Technological University MnDOT
Materials & construction KB24-05-1 Tools to improve the durability of asphalt pavements Mihai Marasteanu University of Minnesota Joint
NS-710 Feasibility of InSAR for continuous monitoring of ground deformation and performance tracking of geotechnical assets Ali Khosravi Auburn University MnDOT
NS-731 Evaluating and implementing ground penetrating radar (GPR) for continuous and rapid monitoring of moisture fluctuations in in-service roads Halil Ceylan Iowa State University Joint
NS-740 Are current rigid pavement roundabout designs working in Minnesota? Qingli Dai Michigan Technological University Joint
NS-742 Holistic design and selection criteria for unbound geomaterials used in pavement systems Bora Cetin Michigan State University Joint
NS-747 Design guidance and best practices for the use of light fill Mike Lanotte Michigan State University LRRB
Multimodal NS-733 Navigating improved outcomes with transportation corridor rankings Kakan Dey Michigan State University MnDOT
NS-741 Operational characteristics of conventional and electric-assisted bicycles and their riders Raphael Stern University of Minnesota Joint
Policy and planning NS-736 Leveraging transportation investments for economic development and wealth building Alireza Khani University of Minnesota MnDOT
NS-745 Refining the understanding of parking space requirements and its impact on vehicle miles travelled Kakan Dey Michigan State University LRRB
Unsolicited Speed impacts on complete streets elements, phase 2 Peter Savolainen Michigan State University Joint
Unsolicited Freeway corridor economic impact Frank Douma University of Minnesota MnDOT
Traffic and safety NS-728 High tension cable median guardrail expected lifespan Pedram Mortazavi University of Minnesota MnDOT
NS-730 Use of colors in dynamic message signs for both travel times and static sign simulation Ali Zockaie Michigan State University MnDOT
NS-749 Evaluation of driver speeds after implementation of speed limit reduction on urban streets Peter Savolainen Michigan State University Joint
KB24-03-1 Estimating likely mode shift and vehicle miles travelled reduction potential using TBI data and AI algorithms Alireza Khani University of Minnesota Joint
KB24-03-2 Bike infrastructure planning based on mobile-sourced data and anticipated route shifts Michael Levin University of Minnesota LRRB
KB24-03-3 Exploring completeness and accuracy of driver crash reporting of property damage only crashes Nichole Morris University of Minnesota LRRB
KB24-03-5 Leveraging C-V2X and advanced communications/sensing for rural road safety Zhi-Li Zhang University of Minnesota LRRB
Unsolicited A novel red light running warning system using connected v2i technology, phase 2: driver testing on public roads Michael Levin University of Minnesota LRRB

Updated: January 2025