Functional classification
Functional classification is the grouping of streets and highways into classes or systems according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Basic to this process is the recognition that most travel involves movement through a network of roads. Functional classification defines the role that any particular road or street plays in serving the flow of trips through an entire network.
- Functional Classification System: Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (PDF)
- Enterprise MnDOT Mapping Application
Changing classification or classifying planned non-existent roads
- Change request process (PDF)
- Multiple Change request form (PDF)
- Single FC Change Form (PDF)
- Multiple Change request form (Word)
- Single Change request form (Word)
Functional class mileage
MnDOT uses a Linear Reference System for all functional classification reporting and mapping. Functional classification mileage by county and functional classification type is published once a year at the end of December. The Functional Classification Map link below is current as of December 31, 2024. For the most current functional classification, which is updated weekly, check out the MnDOT Interactive GIS Map below.
- Functional Classification Map: Functional classification data is current as of December 31, 2024.
- EMMA: Functional classification can be found under the layer list and functional class. This layer only shows up at 24000, so you must zoom in a ways to be able to see this option in the layer list. This information is updated every weekend with new data showing up each Monday.
- County Functional Classification maps: PDF maps are available to download at the link above. Data is current as of Dec. 31, 2024.
Federal law requires in CFR §470.105(b)(1) that:
The State transportation agency shall have the primary responsibility for developing and updating a statewide highway functional classification in rural and urban areas to determine functional usage of the existing roads and streets. . . . The State shall cooperate with responsible local officials, or appropriate Federal agency in the case of areas under Federal jurisdiction, in developing and updating the functional classification.
This applies to all public roads in Minnesota (~139,000 miles) and is used in state and local planning, as well as in the determination of eligibility for Federal and State Aid.
MnDOT works in partnership with the state’s metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), regional development organizations (RDOs), counties and local jurisdictions to review the statewide functional classification system. The reviews and changes occur on an individual and jurisdictional basis throughout the year. In the first few months of each year, MnDOT’s Office of Transportation System Management submits an annual report to FHWA requesting approval of the functional classification changes that occurred during the prior calendar year. As part of the report, MnDOT also reviews the statewide functional classification percentages to ensure that the system percentages are consistent with FHWA Functional Classification Guidelines.
Statewide reviews occur periodically. The most recent statewide review was completed and approved by FHWA in 2015 for all jurisdictions outside the seven-county metropolitan area. The seven-county metropolitan area completed their most recent review in 2021 and it was approved in November 2021 by FHWA. Following the release of the urban area boundaries after each decennial Census, MnDOT initiates a comprehensive functional classification review to ensure consistency and correct roadway functional classifications throughout the state.
For a more detailed explanation of the functional classification change process please review the process document (PDF).