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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

News and events

View all e-news MnSRTS Resource Center

Register for the monthly MnSRTS e-news to learn about grants, trainings, and resources.

SRTS office hours

Have questions about the SRTS program? Looking to brainstorm ideas, get feedback, discuss challenges and solutions, or share success stories? These office hours are designed just for you to engage directly with our SRTS team.

Weekly on Weekly on Tuesdays from 12 – 1 p.m.


Walk and Bike to School Days are one-day special events to help make walking and biking more visible, fun, and rewarding for kids. These events can be used to make walking and biking to school a habit. MnSRTS created downloadable toolkits available on each event page to help make it an easy success for your school.

Register your event and MnSRTS will send you free materials.

Network calls

The Minnesota Safe Routes to School network holds a call the first Thursday of every month at 10 a.m. Email to be added to the list.

View past network calls.