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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

STEM Education and Outreach


Stem education and outreach

STEM Education and Outreach

MnDOT has many transportation-related activities and offerings for you to explore. Students and families can download activities and teachers can connect with MnDOT ambassadors for virtual classroom presentations or in-person classroom activities. MnDOT is dedicated to providing high quality activities and initiatives to help promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in schools across Minnesota.

Check out some of the resources below and our brochure to start learning more about STEM and MnDOT today!

STEM K-12 activities

MnDOT classroom visit activities

Toothpick and marshmallow bridge (grades K-4)
MnDOT Bridge-in-a-Bag (recommended for grades 3-10)

Online activities

Stem activity book graphic

Explore STEM videos

Other online STEM educational tools

MnDOT student jobs and internships