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Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Mitigation Working Group

The 2023 legislature established the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Mitigation Working Group to prepare recommendations for implementing a Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment for capacity expansion projects on state highways prior to inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or a metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The working group will be convened by the Commissioner of Transportation.

The goal of a Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment is to align project decision-making with the State’s greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets under Section 174.01 Subdivision 3 and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reduction targets established in the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP).

On Feb. 2024, the work group shared recommendations (PDF) for enhancing the greenhouse gas emissions impact assessment for capacity expansion projects on state highways along with considerations for managing mitigation.

GHG Impact Mitigation Working Group meetings are open to the public and non-members. Meetings will be held every other week through Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023. The work group will then evaluate meeting cadence through the end of the year. Time will be reserved at the meeting for the public to comment. If you are interested in participating in a meeting, please email Chris Berrens.

Meeting materials


To request reasonable ADA accommodations for a meeting, please email your request to Chris Berrens.


Appointments to the working group outlined in legislation, include the following representatives:

  • The commissioner of transportation or a designee
  • The chair of the Metropolitan Council or a designee
  • Two representatives from the Department of Transportation Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council
  • Two representatives from the Minnesota County Engineers Association
  • Two representatives from the City Engineers Association of Minnesota
  • One representative from a metropolitan planning organization or regional development organization in greater Minnesota
  • One representative from Move Minnesota

Current members

Role in legislation Name Organization
Commissioner of Transportation (or designee) Erik Rudeen MnDOT
Met Council Chair (or designee) Charles Carlson Met Council
STAC (1) Diana Chaman Salas Hennepin County
STAC (2) Russ Stark City of St. Paul
MCEA (1) Lyndon Robjent Carver County Engineer
MCEA (2) Joe MacPherson Anoka County Engineer
CEAM (1) Dillon Dombrovski City of Rochester Engineer
CEAM (2) Marc Culver City Engineers
Greater Mn RDO (1) Andrew Miller HRDC
Greater Mn MPO (1) Stephanie Halford GF/EGF MPO
Move Minnesota (1) Sam Rockwell Move Minnesota