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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Sustainability and Public Health


Committees, councils and working groups

Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council

The STAC was established in 2020 to provide recommendations to MnDOT to reduce carbon pollution from transportation.

Clean Transportation Fuel Standard Work Group

The 2023 legislature established the work group to prepare recommendations for implementing a Clean Transportation Standard (CTS), including development of performance-based incentives to reduce carbon pollution from all transportation fuels including gasoline, diesel, biofuels, and electricity.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Mitigation Working Group

The 2023 legislature established the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Mitigation Working Group to prepare recommendations for implementing a Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment for capacity expansion projects.

Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment Technical Advisory Committee

The 2024 Legislature established the Transportation Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Impact Assessment Technical Advisory Committee to assist in review of a new GHG Emissions Impact Assessment under development by the Department of Transportation