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Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment Technical Advisory Committee

The 2024 Legislature established the Transportation Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Impact Assessment Technical Advisory Committee to assist in review of a new GHG Emissions Impact Assessment under development by the Department of Transportation. Beginning Feb. 1, 2025, the Legislature will require capacity expansion projects to complete a GHG impact assessment and conform with GHG and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reduction targets prior to inclusion in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) or a metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The Commissioner has until Aug. 1, 2027, to transition from a project-level only assessment to assessments of a portfolio or program of projects.


The committee will be administered by the Commissioner of Transportation with appointments from the Department of Transportation, Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Council, University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies, and a Greater Minnesota Metropolitan Planning Organization. As well as up to four open appointments appointed by MnDOT.

Next meeting

Upcoming meetings

  • April (TBD)

The committee meetings are open to the public and non-members. Meetings will be held monthly. Time will be reserved at the meeting for the public to comment. If you are interested in participating in a meeting, email Chris Berrens.

Meeting materials


To request reasonable ADA accommodations for a meeting, email your request to Chris Berrens.

The Technical Advisory Committee includes five direct appointments representing the following organizations:

  • Department of Transportation - Jon Solberg
  • Pollution Control Agency - Kate Knuth
  • Metropolitan Council - Jonathan Ehrlich
  • Center for Transportation Studies / University of Minnesota – Eric Lind
  • Metropolitan planning organization from Greater Minnesota - Stephanie Halford

Up to four open appointments, appointed by MnDOT who are not employees of the state, with no more than two who are employees of a political subdivision (i.e. city, county, etc.):

  • City - Marcus Culver, City of Brooklyn Park
  • County - Lyndon Robjent, Carver County
  • Active transportation - Mitzi Alex, Toole Design
  • National expert - Robert Noland, University of Rutgers