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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Traffic Forecasting & Analysis

Coordinating MnDOT's traffic monitoring and vehicle classification programs

traffic on a highway

Traffic links

Additional web resources for traffic data and information

Federal Highway Administration logoFHWA Office of Highway Policy Information
Highway related data reported by the state, federal and local sources, and analyzed by FHWA for reports such as Highway Statistics, Our Nation's Highways, and monthly Traffic Volume Trends.

Metropolitan Council logoMetropolitan Council
Regional planning and development agency that serves the Twin Cities seven-county metropolitan area, working with local communities and general public to address issues that existing governmental arrangements cannot. Provides framework for decisions and implementation for regional systems including aviation, transportation (region's largest bus system), parks and open space, water quality and water management.

Minnesota Department of Public Safety logoMinnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Helpful resource for driver and vehicle services (licensing, registration, driver ed, etc), statistics (crash data, cellphone and seat belt use, impaired driving, etc), and other safety information.

Minnesota Geospatial Commons logoMinnesota Geospatial Commons
Collaborative place for Minnesota geospatial data publishers and consumers, including researchers, cartographers, web and applications developers, planners, and journalists who need data for a project, services for an application, or some other resource required for a GIS-based use. While web maps and web services can be viewed by non-GIS users, most of the resources in the Minnesota Geospatial Commons are in GIS formats and are intended to be used with GIS software.

Minnesota Geospatial Information Office (MnGEO) Minnesota Geospatial Information Office logo
Offers guidance, training, consulting, and technical services to state agencies and the Minnesota GIS community; and coordinates the development,implementation, support and use of statewide geospatial technology. Established in May 2009, the office is the first state agency with legislatively defined responsibility for coordinating GIS within Minnesota.

MnDOT Crash and Speed Data Contacts
Department email and phone numbers for Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology employees.

two construction conesMnDOT Current Highway Construction Projects
Information on traffic delays and detours, maps, contacts, and background information on construction projects currently underway on Minnesota highways.

MnDOT Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology (OTST)
Also referred to as Traffic Engineering Office... establishes guidelines and procedures that strive for uniformity in traffic engineering throughout the state of Minnesota. Provides materials and resources for traffic engineers and personnel at MnDOT, counties, cities, and local units of government.

MnDOT Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC)
Facility in Roseville that provides the communications and computer infrastructure necessary for coordinated transportation management on metro freeways.  More specifically, it is responsible for analyzing the effectiveness of traffic management tools, collecting traffic flow information, and developing new traveler information products.

MnDOT State Aid for Local Transportation (SALT)
Works with cities, counties, and townships to transfer technical expertise, determine ways to improve the state's highway system, and distribute funds for highway maintenance and construction.

MnDOT Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Business Processes (Word)
Document prepared to support decisions to replace existing data systems and business methods with updated and better coordinated software, application and business processes.

MnDOT Traffic and Road Conditions "511" logoMnDOT Traffic and Road Conditions (
Helps commuters and travelers access current information regarding weather-related road conditions, construction, and congestion on state highways via the web or phone – 24/7.

MnDOT Travel Demand Modeling Coordinating Committee
Group created in 2005 to promote greater coordination and collaboration among travel demand modeling professionals. Members share information, facilitate discussion, and promote consistency in models, assumptions, and networks. Last met in February 2011.

Transportation Data and Analysis
Information on the Roadway Data Section in charge of creating and updating Roadlog Files; maintaining the trunk highway Roadway History File, Control Section records, and Construction Project Log; and managing MnDOT's Transportation Information System (TIS)... the Geographic Information & Mapping (GIM) Section responsible for the upkeep of core geographic data at planning level scale, special purpose mapping and graphic services, and the Official State Highway Map and Minnesota city/county map CAD data... the Basemap Section that maintains planning level GIS data including transportation features, boundary information, and waterway locations... and the Traffic Forecasting & Analysis (TFA) Section.

Twin Cities Metro Contacts
Counties and cities in the metro area take their own traffic counts on County State Aid Highways (CSAH), County Roads and Municipal State Aid Streets (MSAS). Additional information may be available from city and county agencies regarding program standards, additional traffic volumes on roads not reported by MnDOT, traffic flow maps, or more recent count data.

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
Average daily and total annual vehicle miles summarized in a variety of ways, in Excel or PDF report form.