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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Traffic Forecasting & Analysis

Coordinating MnDOT's traffic monitoring and vehicle classification programs

traffic on a highway

Traffic Forecasting & Analysis

Traffic congestion on a Minnesota highway
Traffic congestion on a Minnesota highway

Thousands of traffic counts are collected on Minnesota roadways each year. This information is used to produce volume, classification, speed and weight data as well as traffic forecasts, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) figures, reports, maps and analysis. Traffic data products are used in federal reporting, safety evaluation, pavement design, funding decisions, forecasting, modeling, and much more.

The most comprehensive way to view our traffic data (including AADT/HCAADT) is by using the Traffic Mapping Application.

For additional information about MnDOT traffic data, visit

Volume - Count of motorized vehicles that travel past a certain location during a specific period of time
Volume Data | Volume Methods

Traffic congestion on a Minnesota highway
Traffic data, such as AADT & HCAADT, is used to help develop pavement design options

Vehicle Classification - Categorization of traffic by 13 vehicle types (motorcycles, single unit trucks, semis with single or twin trailers, etc.)
Vehicle Classification Data | Vehicle Classification Methods

Weight - Measurement of vehicle axle weight
Weight Data | Weight Methods

Forecasts - Estimation of future traffic volumes and loads on a specific roadway segment
Forecast Data | Forecast Methods

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) - Multiple of centerline mileage and number of motorized vehicles that travel past a certain location during a specific period of time
(VMT) Data | (VMT) Methods