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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


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For PDF accessibility features:

  • Download the latest version of Adobe Reader for best results
  • To use Acrobat Reader's accessibility features, download a copy of the PDF document to your local computer
  • From the File menu, select Save as and specify where on your computer you would like to save the copy
  • Select the PDF document by clicking on it (Adobe Reader should launch), or start Adobe Reader and browse to the PDF document to open it 

Read out loud function:

  • When a document is open in Adobe Reader, from the View menu, select Read Out Loud, then one of the following:
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    • Read this page only (Shift + CTRL + V)
    • Read to end of document (Shift + CTRL + B)
    • Pause (Shift + CTRL + C)
    • Stop (Shift + CTRL + E)

Converting PDFs to text:

  • From the File menu, select Save as Text, then indicate the file type and extension you prefer (the default is .text)
  • Select where on your computer (i.e. desktop) you would like the file saved 

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