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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Professional Technical Consultant Services


Update 12/20/2021: MnDOT has transitioned to accepting Pre-Qualification Program applications all electronically. This change continues to support social distancing and the adjustment to a more remote working community. Effective today, please submit questions and application packages electronically to the Pre-Qualification Program email box at: Note: Work type definitions will be updated to reflect this soon!

Pre-Qualification Program


This document provides an overview of the Pre-Qualification Program, including program background, program maintenance information, and how contracts are executed under the program.

Pre-Qualification Program Overview (Word)

Recent Work Type Updates

January 2024

Work Type: 7.1 Planning has been updated. Please visit the Work Type Definitions link in the shaded box on the right for specifics.

September 2023

Work Type: 17.1 Roundabout Design has been updated. Please visit the Work Type Definitions link in the shaded box on the right for specifics.

May 2023

New Work Type: 23.5 Specialty Scanning has been added. Please visit the Work Type Definitions link in the shaded box on the right for specifics.

Public Engagement and Communications Work Type

MnDOT released a work type in December 2018 for Public Engagement and Communications (Work Type 21.0). Public Engagement and Communications work has increasingly become a regular part of MnDOT projects. Click on the Work Type Definitions link (in the gray box to the right) for information on the required qualifications and how to become prequalified under this work type. If your firm meets the required qualifications, MnDOT strongly encourages you to submit an application. Note: In order to respond to a Pre-Qualification Announcement, consultants must be pre-qualified at the time the Announcement is posted. Submitting an application alone will not qualify a firm to respond. The Pre-Qualification Program application for the work type(s) must be approved and the firm must appear on the Official List posted with the Announcement.

Change in Key Personnel

If there are any reported staffing changes, please notify immediately so that key personnel records are kept up to date.

Application/Renewal Process

This document provides information on the Pre-Qualification Application and Renewal Process, including an overview of how the application and renewal process works, and the documentation required to apply for/renew work type pre-qualification.

Pre-Qualification Application/Renewal Process (Word)

The MnDOT Pre-Qualification Program Administrator will reach out to you directly when a renewal is needed. If your Pre-Qualification contact person has changed, please send an email to to update this information.

Application Evaluation

Pre-Qualification for each work type will be determined on a pass/fail basis. An applicant must satisfy both the "Administrative Requirements" AND the requirements of the "Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements" to be pre-qualified.  MnDOT's Pre-Qualification Administrator will determine if the administrative portion of the submittal satisfies the requirements of Pre-Qualification Program. MnDOT's work type selection committee will determine if the application fulfills the requirements of the Work Type Definition and Submittal Requirements.

Disposition of Responses

All materials submitted in a Pre-Qualification Application will become property of the state and will become public record after the evaluation process is completed and the pre-qualification determination made. If the Consultant submits information within a Pre-Qualification Application that it believes to be trade secret materials, as defined by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. § 13.37, the Consultant must:

Clearly mark all trade secret materials in its response at the time the response is submitted; include a statement with its response justifying the trade secret designation for each item; and defend any action seeking release of the materials it believes to be trade secret, and indemnify and hold harmless the State, its agents and employees, from any judgments or damages awarded against the State in favor of the party requesting the materials, and any and all costs connected with that defense. This indemnification survives the State’s award of a contract. In submitting a pre-qualification application, the Responder agrees that this indemnification survives as long as the trade secret materials are in possession of the State.

MnDOT is required to keep all the basic documents related to its contracts, including Pre-Qualification Applications, for a minimum of seven years.