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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Southeast Minnesota Regional Information

MnDOT District 6

About District 6

MnDOT District 6 headquarters is located in Rochester, and two more district offices are located in Owatonna and Winona, Minnesota. District 6 serves the following counties in southeastern Minnesota:

  • Dodge
  • Fillmore
  • Freeborn
  • Goodhue
  • Houston
  • Mower
  • Olmsted
  • Rice
  • Steele
  • Wabasha
  • Winona


The MnDOT team in District 6 plans, designs, constructs, and maintains the state and federal highway systems within district boundaries. We also manage the aid and assistance given to county and city systems that qualify for state and federal dollars. District 6 also provides transit, trail, and rail transportation services.

There are 12 full service rest areas in District 6. Two of these also serve as information centers. The Dresbach Information Center serves westbound I-90 travelers, and the Albert Lea Information Center serves northbound I-35 traffic.

If you are interested in public involvement with our transportation projects, please go to District 6’s Area Transportation Partnership page for more information.

We are partners in the southeast Minnesota Towards Zero Deaths partnership, whose goal is creating a collaborative, comprehensive and regional approach to eliminate serious injuries and deaths due to traffic crashes. The regional TZD emphasis areas are reducing impaired driving, reducing excessive speeds, increasing seatbelt usage and increasing awareness of distracted driving.