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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Benefits of Research


Successes and Benefits of MnROAD

Results from MnROAD have made positive impacts within the state of Minnesota and the nation at large. Increases in performance and pavement life have resulted in a reduction in costs for maintenance, repairs, user delays and congestion. Of Minnesota only (other states and organizations have also benefited), MnROAD studies are estimated to save $33 million/year (Phase I) and $10.3 million/year (Phase II) which both outweigh our costs.

Phase I (1994-2006) benefits

From the start of construction on MnROAD in June 1990 to the conclusion of MnROAD’s first ten years of operation in 2004, engineers at MnROAD researched pavements and collected and analyzed data. Many of these activities were recorded in a number of reports published by Mn/ DOT and others.


Lessons learned

Phase II (2007-2016) benefits

The MnROAD Phase II research initiative combines multi-state funded pooled projects, research initiatives led by public and private partners, and international research.


Phase III (2016-2025) benefits

MnROAD has continued to make an impact on local, regional, national, and international pavement research and implementation. The development of National Road Research Alliance and the partnerships with key stakeholders have allowed MnROAD to continue the mission to make roads last longer, perform better, cost less to build and maintain, and have minimal impact on the environment. Our teams are starting on capturing these benefits and publishing them soon.