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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Research Reports & Briefs

mnroad collective database reports search

MnROAD Collective Database Reports Search

MnROAD research generates and publishes many publications on the Minnesota Department of Transportation website as well as partnered databases. These publications have significantly advanced the understanding of pavement and materials performance.

For MnDOT resources on certain topics, see the Topics page.

Find Published MnROAD Research in the MnDOT Digital Library

Search the published research reports for MnROAD projects. The MnDOT Digital LIbrary continues to add past reports as they complete the archive. If you need assistance finding a report, please contact the Library.

Search Active Research in the Office of Research & Innovation Database

MnDOT Office of Research & Innovation helps solve transportation problems by administering research projects for MnDOT and the Local Road Research Board. We serve as a resource for MnDOT staff as well as city and county engineers, kick-starting research and shepherding projects to completion. At any given time, our staff manages approximately 190 research projects in progress, ranging from local initiatives to pooled-fund projects with other states.

Published MnDOT and LRRB Report Library

MnDOT Library advances knowledge with timely, direct, and cost-effective connections to the information that is needed to provide the highest quality transportation systems. This library searches for scholarly resources through MnSCU/PALS, a joint system that encourages customers to make effective use of worldwide information resources.

Transportation Research Information Database (TRID)

TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services Database and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation Database. TRID provides access to more than one million records of transportation research worldwide.

Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB disseminates transportation research results and technology information through an extensive array of publications. These include books and reports assessing the state of the art or practice in specific areas of transportation, presenting the results of transportation research, addressing major national transportation policy issues, and identifying research needs.

MnDOT Google Search

Not finding a report you're looking for? Use this Google search to find it on the MnDOT website. Sometimes, reports are provided on topic-specific project pages and not uploaded to the databases. You can also use the Search and A to Z options located on the top right of this page at your convenience.