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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Road Research

MnROAD Documentation and Data

Orange barrels on a highway



MnROAD test sections are routinely monitored to track the changes in pavement performance over time. MnROAD’s most recent data collection processes and data can be accessed online using the list at the bottom of this page. Due to the volume and complexity, some data (e.g.: raw ride quality, pre-2008 FWD time history files, dynamic load data, some sensor data, etc.) is not included in the data set. This data is stored offline and available on request. If you don't see the data you're looking for or have questions about the data, please contact us.

Announcing: 2023 Automated Distress Rodeo (PDF)

MnROAD InfoPave

Access MnROAD Data in InfoPave

MnROAD has teamed up with FHWA and I-Engineering to develop an LTPP-InfoPave system with MnROAD data included. This system allows you to search, view, and download data related to designs, layers, lab testing results, performance monitoring, weather, and traffic. This data is expected to updated twice a year and is the preferred data source for MnROAD.

Supporting Documentation and other MnROAD data not in InfoPave

  • Sensors (Static, Dynamic): Online Data and descriptions of current and historical sensors used at MnROAD
  • Field Monitoring (Ruts, Ride, Texture, Cracks, Strength, etc.): Online Data along with procedures used to collect the data for pavement distress, surface characteristics, and other non-destructive testing data
  • Weather: Online Data and information about MnROAD weather stations and other weather references
  • Traffic: Online Data for Mainline (I-94) and Low Volume Road Traffic including collection descriptions