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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Road Research

Research Topics

Orange barrels on a highway

Joint Sealing

Concrete pavement joints and cracks are sealed to keep water and non-compressible materials out. Although joints are typically sealed at the time of construction, the life of sealants is shorter than the life of the pavement. The AASHTO NTPEP has done field evaluations of many types of sealants and found that the materials used, the saw cut and preparation, and installation all affect the performance of the seal.

Active Research

  • Investigation of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Deterioration at Joints and the Potential Contribution of Deicing Chemicals.
  • Monitoring of the NTPEP Joint Sealer Sections in Motley & Staples
  • Development of an Acceptance Procedure for Concrete Repair Materials

