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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Connected and Automated Vehicles

CAV Planning in Minnesota

Learn more about Minnesota’s role in CAV planning, regulation and advancement

CAV technology is here today and will be part of Minnesota’s transportation future

Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) will be part of Minnesota’s transportation future. Basic levels of CAV technology are already on Minnesota roadways. However, vehicles that are fully automated in all settings are still years away. Infrastructure needed to support connected vehicles – such as fiber optic cable, sensor networks and smart traffic signals – is either already in use or currently being tested.

Minnesota is actively planning for CAV technology

The state is at the forefront of testing and understanding CAV technology, specifically focused on safety and winter weather. Minnesota CAV partners are advocating for not just testing the technology but making sure it supports how people live, work and play.

Safety is Minnesota’s top priority

Safety is and will continue to be MnDOT’s top priority. CAV technology has the potential to dramatically improve safety for travelers. All CAV technology deployed in the state as part of demonstration projects must withstand many levels of review, testing and analysis prior to entering Minnesota roads.

Minnesota is investing in infrastructure with the future in mind

Preparing for CAV technology is necessary as Minnesota replaces aging transportation infrastructure. Active planning for CAV will help Minnesota be smart about when to make which types of infrastructure investments. Since CAV will likely roll out gradually, it is important for roadway authorities in Minnesota to build and maintain infrastructure that benefits human drivers and CAV. Specifically, MnDOT is prioritizing projects that provide value to today’s transportation system and that are expected to continue to be valuable in the future. MnDOT is taking a conservative approach to investing in CAV-related infrastructure in order to spend money wisely.

Minnesota is testing CAV technology

Government, private industry, communities, researchers and many others are partnering to safely demonstrate CAV technologies in Minnesota. For example, MnDOT has partnered with cities such as Minneapolis, Rochester, Grand Rapids and White Bear Lake to test and demonstrate CAV technology within their communities. MnDOT has also partnered with Minnesota companies like 3M, Polaris and VSI Labs, and other industry leaders as well as organizations such as the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Fair to bring CAV demonstrations to people in Minnesota.

CAV partners will continue testing CAV via real-world demonstrations in locations across Minnesota with the goal of:

  • Engaging people in Minnesota about the potential benefits and opportunities of this technology
  • Improving how automated vehicles drive and function in all weather conditions
  • Identifying changes to infrastructure and policy needed to safely operate automated vehicles on public roads

CAV technology has the potential to benefit Minnesota

Connected and automated vehicles are the future of transportation. These technologies can benefit people in Minnesota in several ways. Minnesota is planning for CAV with a focus on maximizing the following potential benefits and making sure CAV works for everyone:

  • Increasing safety on Minnesota roadways
  • Providing greater equity, accessibility and mobility by reducing transportation barriers
  • Reducing traffic congestion and improving traffic flow
  • Improving public health and benefiting the environment
  • Driving economic growth
  • Placing Minnesota at the forefront of innovation and technological advancements

For more on CAV in Minnesota visit the Destination CAV website.