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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Minnesota Broadband Initiative

Tools and resources for broadband providers

This webpage provides broadband providers with advance notice of upcoming MnDOT construction projects so that the installation of broadband infrastructure can be coordinated with MnDOT construction activities.

For background information see Minnesota Statutes, section 161.462. (Laws 2013, Ch. 85)

Where the construction projects are

There are several ways to find out about upcoming projects on state highways. Not all of these projects involve right-of-way work.

  • State Highway Improvement Program: All projects in the STIP have been scheduled for construction within the next four years. This is the most comprehensive list of planned projects. Updated annually.
  • Annual Construction Announcement: The annual announcement lists and maps of all projects on state highways for the coming construction season. Updated annually in March
  • Current road work: Find detailed information about state highway projects currently underway.

City and county projects are not included in the above lists. Use these lists of  city or county websites to find out about these projects.

How to get information for your area

MnDOT district offices

All utility providers are invited to annual meetings with MnDOT district staff to learn about projects that might provide opportunities for broadband installation.

These meetings, and your district utility coordinators, are the best way for you to find out about opportunities for Broadband installation. 

Area Transportation Partnerships

ATPs develop regional transportation improvement programs for their area of the state. Staying in touch with your ATP can help you learn about long-range planning efforts.

Additional resources