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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Corridor Investment Management Strategy

A corridor-based initiative that brings MnDOT together with its partners

Corridor Investment Management Strategy 

The Corridor Investment Management Strategy started in 2012 as an effort to improve collaboration and transparency with MnDOT’s local, modal and state partners. Given the magnitude and condition of the current transportation system in Minnesota and the reality of a significant funding gap, MnDOT regularly seeks opportunities to collaborate with local and regional partners to leverage the agency’s available resources to advance the Minnesota GO vision. Through CIMS, MnDOT placed a strong emphasis on building and maintaining a sustainable transportation system through the use of solutions that ensure a high return-on-investment and complement the unique social, natural and economic features of Minnesota.

CIMS was initiated with a series of regional meetings across the state in 2012. MnDOT district staff continue to share information about investment programs and the needs issues and opportunities for state highway corridors with their local partners. Those efforts are supported by statewide planning products such as the 10-Yeay Capital Highway Work Plan and MnMap.

As part of the CIMS approach,  MnDOT provided financial resources through a competitive solicitation to fund trunk highway projects that improve quality of life, environmental health or economic competitiveness. The solicitation in 2013 provided $30 million to 10 projects.