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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Cultural Resources

historical artifact

Project review process

MnDOT projects

The Cultural Resources Unit reviews both Federal Highway Administration and state-funded MnDOT projects. MnDOT project managers should submit the appropriate Early Notification Memorandum (PDF) to us as early in the project planning process as feasible. Additional subject guidance can be found on the Highway Project Development Process website.

Local projects

When a project has FHWA funding or approval, local project managers or sponsors should complete and submit a Cultural Resources Review Request (Word) form to us as early in the project planning process as feasible. Additional guidance on local transportation projects can be found on the State Aid for Local Transportation website.

Aggregate/borrow pits and disposal areas

As of July 2014, MnDOT CRU no longer reviews the use of off-site, contractor-selected borrow/aggregate sources and disposal areas that are not owned by MnDOT.  MnDOT CRU will continue to review the use of sources and areas owned or designated by MnDOT/FHWA or sources and areas used on MnDOT-controlled lands.

MnDOT CRU only reviews the following:

  • Off-site borrow/aggregate sources or disposal areas owned by MnDOT
  • Off-site borrow/aggregate sources or disposal areas specified by MnDOT/FHWA

To initiate review of a borrow/aggregate source or disposal area that fall into one of these categories, a pit/disposal area review request form (Word) must be completed by the contractor or project manager and submitted to MnDOT CRU via email at

CRU work type exemptions for state-funded projects

Certain actions have very low to no potential to impact intact, significant archaeological deposits or properties listed on the State or National Registers. These types of actions do not need to be submitted to CRU for review. Please note this does not apply if the project has federal funds or permits.