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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Cultural Resources


historical artifact

Programs and services

Project review process

We review all Federal Highway Administration undertakings for potential impacts to historic properties pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. FHWA undertakings are defined as anything funded and approved by FHWA, include Interstate Access Requests. In addition to federal reviews, we review state-funded MnDOT projects pursuant to applicable state statutes. Read more about submitting projects for review.


There are both federal and state laws that help protect historic properties in Minnesota. Read more about federal and state regulations.

Consultant requirements

Consultants help our office in identifying and evaluating properties to determine if they met the criteria to be considered historic properties. On some projects, consultants assist in the assessment of effects to historic properties and the implementation of mitigation measures. MnDOT currently uses a pre-qualified consultant program. Read more about our consultant requirements.


Streamlining studies

Over the past two decades, we've worked with the FHWA, the State Historic Preservation Office, and the Office of the State Archaeologist to help streamline Section 106 reviews. Part of this effort has been the development of context and evaluation studies that provide benchmarks for evaluating the historical significance of commonly encountered property types. Read more about streamlining studies.