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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Environmental Stewardship

Programs and services

Cultural resources

Balancing the state's transportation needs with historic preservation

Environmental assessment

Support for aquatic resources, wetland mitigation, stormwater requirements, and wildlife, including federally threatened and endangered species

Environmental Management Plan (Green Sheets)

Process for tracking environmental commitments

Environmental modeling and testing

Air, noise, soil and water quality testing

Environmental planning and design

Integrating visual and aesthetic details with the built environment

Environmental investigation

Contaminated material management resources and guidance

Erosion control and stormwater management

Project design, construction and maintenance support

Regulated materials

Regulated material management resources and guidance, and storage tank compliance

Roadside vegetation

Management techniques for safer traveling conditions and aesthetically pleasing landscapes

Scenic byways

A cooperative effort between MnDOT and local community groups to preserve, promote and enhance some of our most scenic and historic state highway corridors.