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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 52 Southbound Improvements

Zumbrota to Cannon Falls


Miscellaneous Information

Apparent best value bidder selected for Hwy 52 Zumbrota to Cannon Falls design-build project

Mathiowetz Construction Company is the apparent best value bidder for the Design-Build contract to reconstruct Hwy 52 southbound, build an interchange at Hwy 52 and Hwy 57/Goodhue Co. Rd. 8 and make other safety improvements.

Bids from prime contractors on a short list were opened on Wednesday, February 24 in St. Paul with four teams submitting sealed bids. The bids will be reviewed and certified before the contract is awarded in spring 2021.

Construction could begin later this summer on portions of the project. The first full construction season will begin in spring of 2022 and be completed by 2023.

Bids submitted:

  • Mathiowetz Construction Company, $69,698,166.66
  • Ames Construction, Incorporated, $73,973,000.00
  • Michels Corporation, $77,472,333.95
  • Shafer Contracting Company, $77,958,339.57

To see the results, go to MnDOT’s Design-Build Project Website and click on "Letting".

Other developments have occurred fall of 2020, including:

Park and ride

Recently the Goodhue County Board discussed and voted to move ahead with the Goodhue County plan for a park and ride in Hader that will be part of the project. They also discussed the planned realignment of Goodhue County Road 14.

Goodhue Co. Rd. 7

Due to rising costs and fiscal constraints, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is removing the planned work at Goodhue Co. Rd. 7/Sherwood Trail and in the vicinity from the Hwy 52 southbound improvement project. Under the project, the County 7/Sherwood Trail intersection will be left “as is".

Additionally, MnDOT will remove planned median work and acceleration lanes at this intersection, along with “J-turns” and the repaving of northbound Hwy 52. The nearby 165th Ave. intersection will remain as it is currently aligned.

This will not change the planned construction timelines to begin later in 2021, including specific plans for reconstruction of the southbound lanes and construction of an interchange at Hwy 57/Co. Rd. 8. MnDOT anticipates discussions with Goodhue County on possible future work at Goodhue Co. Rd. 7, also known as Welch Village Rd.


I-494 Ramp Closures
Click map for larger version

MnDOT, Goodhue County and township officials from Leon, Stanton, and Cannon Falls Townships partnered to study options for addressing safety and access concerns along Hwy 52 between Hader and the southern limits of Cannon Falls in Goodhue County. The completed study examined safety and access on Hwy 52 from the southern limits of Cannon Falls to south of the Highway 57 junction and determined a recommended location for an Hwy 52 interchange in the vicinity of County Road 1 and County Road 9. The study also included related roadway network and access management improvements within the project vicinity.

Next steps

This study was the first step in the project development process. The next steps in the project development process are to secure funding, begin environmental evaluation/preliminary design, complete final design, and construction. Once project funding is secured, further refinement of alternatives will occur. This will include additional public input opportunities. The results of the current study which included detailed technical evaluation and public engagement are:

  • Future interchange recommended at County Road 9
  • Recommended backage road connecting County Road 14 to Cannon Falls   
  • Recommended use of 100th Avenue for a future north-south connection between County Road 1 and County Road 9 as needed

An access management overview for the corridor was also developed as part of the study. This includes a range of potential improvement options which support MnDOT and Goodhue County’s long-term vision to convert Hwy 52 into a freeway. Potential access management improvements include median closures, redirected driveways, and frontage/backage roads which could be implemented as needed based on safety and funding availability.


Findings of fact and conclusions (PDF)

US 52 Southbound Reconstruction

Environmental Assessment Worksheet (PDF)

US 52 Southbound Reconstruction
SP 2506-83
Goodhue County, Minnesota

March 4, 2020 Open House Detailed Layouts

General project information

If you need these maps or information supplied differently, please contact MnDOT District 6 Director of Communications and Public Engagement Mike Dougherty.

Noise wall

Below are the preliminary results of the noise wall process. Final results will be included in the forthcoming Finding of Fact document.

Note that vote percentages do not add up to 100%. This is because percentages are given as a percent of the total possible vote points, and not every eligible ballot was returned.

Wall 1: Will NOT be installed

  • % of voting points received = 60%
    • Yes = 20%
    • No = 40%
  • This location is on the east side of Hwy 52 adjacent to the Hwy 60 west interchange in Zumbrota.

Wall 2: Will NOT be installed

  • % of voting points received = 61.50%
    • Yes = 24.14%
    • No = 37.36%
  • This location is on the east side of Hwy 52 between the Hwy 60 west interchange and the Hwy 58 interchange in Zumbrota.

Wall 3: Will be installed

  • % of voting points received = 82.35%
    • Yes = 82.35%
    • No = 0%
  • This location is on the east side of Hwy 52 south of the Hwy 58 interchange in Zumbrota.

Background information

Noise wall booklet

On Oct. 13 and Oct. 28, virtual public information meetings were held to discuss the proposed noise walls and voting procedure.

Recording of Oct. 13 Noise Wall Community Meeting

Recording of Oct. 28 Noise Wall Community Meeting

MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or other reasonable accommodation, or need documents in an alternative format (such as braille or large print), please email your request to Janet Miller at or call 651-366-4720.