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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 52

Zumbrota to Cannon Falls

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About this project

Hwy 52 southbound improvements project map
Hwy 52 southbound improvements project map


Construction crews wrapped up final work Nov. 15, 2023 on the Hwy 52 Zumbrota to Cannon Falls reconstruction project.

MnDOT thanks everyone for their patience and careful driving through the work zone.

Summary of work

MnDOT’s construction project along Hwy 52 between Zumbrota and Cannon Falls began in July 2021 and was completed in November 2023. During that time, crews:

  • Reconstructed 13.5 miles of southbound lanes from just north of Zumbrota to just south of Cannon Falls
  • Built a new Hwy 52 interchange at Hwy 57/Goodhue Co. Rd. 8
  • Built new bridges to replace existing structures at:
    • Hwy 52 over Hwy 60 east, south of Zumbrota
    • Hwy 60 west over Hwy 52 at Zumbrota
    • Hwy 52 southbound over the Zumbro River north of Zumbrota
  • Constructed a noise wall at Zumbrota
  • Established approximately 18,600 feet of snow fence in areas between Goodhue County Road 1 and Goodhue Co. Rd. 50
  • Closed 20 access points and built connecting frontage roads to improve safety
  • Built seven J-turns
  • A park and ride lot for Goodhue County at Goodhue Co. Rd. 8 at the new interchange

Mathiowetz Construction was the prime contractor on the $69.7 million construction project.

More construction projects are scheduled on the Hwy 52 corridor between Rochester and St. Paul.

Traffic impacts

There are no traffic impacts - the project is completed.