1. Topsoil
    1. Test for nutrients and adjust fertilizer rates accordingly
    2. Wait until dry before placing or working topsoil, if at all possible.
    3. Place topsoil to depths identified in plan as soon as possible after embankment
    4. Rip all areas without utility conflicts and where compaction is not required
    5. Apply fertilizer and then till 3” deep
    6. Seed and stabilize immediately after tilling
  2. Fertilizer
    1. Check that fertilizer type matches the plans.  Refer to Seeding Manual for info on distinguishing fertilizer types.
    2. Check that fertilizer analysis and rate match soil test results (first choice) or plan (second choice)
  3. Seed
    1. Check that seed mixtures match the plans
    2. Check seed labels for:
      1. Green Approved Vendor tag
      2. Test date should be no older than 12 months prior to planting
      3. PLS weight should be smaller than bulk weight
  4. Seeding
    1. Check to ensure seed is placed uniformly, at proper depths and within specific planting period.
  5. Seeding
    1. Plant during appropriate weather and time of year.  Refer to Seeding Manual for info on planting dates.
    2. Check for correct seeding rate, planting depth, and planting dates.
    3. Do not allow contractor to increase seeding rate without consulting with OES.
    4. Hydro-seeding must be in a separate pass from hydro-mulching
  6. Sodding
    1. Require certificate if salt tolerant sod is used
    2. Don’t allow sod to sit on pallets for longer than a day
    3. Ensure soils are watered immediately prior to laying sod
    4. Ensure sod is watered thoroughly immediately after installation
    5. Monitor watering to ensure it follows requirements of 2575
  7. Vegetation Establishment
    1. Monitor for germination, seedling emergence, and coverage.  Call OES for assistance.
    2. Water if too dry, especially in critical areas (steep slopes, stormwater treatment systems, areas with blanket)
    3. Mow when vegetation is 18” high, cut back to 8” height.  Do this 2-3 times for each seeding area.
    4. Spot-spray if perennial noxious weeds start taking over
    5. Review Seeding Manual for info on monitoring, establishment, and addressing problems
  8. Weed Spraying
    1. Use for perennial weeds like Canada thistle if mowing is not working
    2. Ask for contractor’s MN Commercial Pesticide Applicator License (Category J)
    3. Send herbicide label to the Roadside Vegetation Management Unit for review prior to spraying
    4. Require pesticide application record within 24 hours of spraying

References: Specifications 2106, 2573, 2574, 2575, 3876-3885, Seeding Manual, Schedule for Materials Control.