This online open house was held from September to November 2021. Information on this webpage was up-to-date as of November 2021. Please visit the project webpage for current information on the project.
Welcome to the September Hwy 252/I-94 Environmental Review online open house
The Hwy 252 and I-94 Environmental Review project team is hosting an online open house to share information and engage with local community members, interested stakeholders, and the broader Twin Cities metropolitan communities regarding the Environmental Impact Statement that is underway.
This online open house will run for the next four weeks and includes live, virtual, Community Conversations specifically focused on the communities of North Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, and Brooklyn Park. It also includes an in-person open house on Thu, Oct. 14, 2021.
During an open house in June 2021, MnDOT and its partners showed the public a host of project elements.
These options form the building blocks for developing project alternatives. These elements include:
- Walking and biking
- Transit
- Roadway types
- Roadway access
- Managed lanes
This open house shows initial alternatives. The next phase of open house engagement will include project alternatives with access locations.
Community Conversations
Live, virtual community conversations were hosted in association with this online open house. These conversations were city-specific and open to the public.
- Focus area - North Minneapolis: Tue, Oct. 5
- Focus area - Brooklyn Center: Thu, Oct. 7
- Focus area - Brooklyn Park: Tue, Oct. 12
In-person open house
Thu, Oct. 14, 2021 from 5-7 p.m. Monroe Elementary School Gymnasium, 901 Brookdale Drive Brooklyn Park, MN 55444.