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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

I-94 and I-394


About this project

I-394 between Penn Avenue and North 11th Street and I-94 between Highway 55/Olson Memorial Highway and Dunwoody Boulevard in Minneapolis project location map

I-94 and I-394 project location map.

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We are repairing bridges and ramps along I-394 and I-94 between downtown Minneapolis and Hwy 100. This project also includes realigning the I-394 to Dunwoody Blvd. ramp, replacing the deck for the Penn Ave. bridge that crosses over I-394, and other improvements along I-394 between downtown Minneapolis and Hwy 100.

Summary of work

  • Repair 34 bridges and ramps along I-394 and I-94, including the Penn Ave. bridge, the I-394 bridges over I-94 and Dunwoody Blvd. and ramps at the I-94/I-394 interchange
  • Realign the I-394 to Dunwoody Blvd. ramp
  • Replace the deck on part of the Dunwoody Blvd. bridge
  • Replace bridge joints, repair pavement, and improve drainage at various locations in the project area
  • Replace the Penn Ave. bridge deck
  • Accessibility, lighting, and sidewalk improvements at Dunwoody Blvd.
  • Accessibility and sidewalk improvements at Penn Ave.

Traffic impacts

All traffic impacts are tentative and weather dependent.


Information about upcoming traffic impacts will be posted as details become available. Motorists can expect lane and ramp closures. From August through October 2025, the E-ZPass lanes on I-394 between downtown Minneapolis and Hwy 100 will be closed. From spring to fall 2026, I-394 will be reduced to two lanes in both directions between downtown Minneapolis and Hwy 100. The Penn Ave. bridge will be closed during this time. During construction in 2026, E-ZPass lanes will be open to all traffic.