Project complete

Hwy 55/Olson Memorial Hwy in Minneapolis project area map.
About this project
We installed temporary pedestrian safety improvements along Olson Memorial Hwy (Hwy 55) between Bryant Ave. N. and Thomas Ave. N. Crews installed flexible posts, signage, and marked pavement to narrow the roadway, create shorter crossings for pedestrians, and improve visibility for people walking and driving. Crews also reduced Olson Memorial Hwy to two lanes in both directions between Bryant Ave. N. and Thomas Ave. N.
The goal of this project is to reduce vehicle speeding and improve pedestrian crossings before constructing long-term improvements on Olson Memorial Hwy.
Summary of work
- Installed pavement markings, flexible posts, and signage
- Added curb extensions at the various intersections along Olson Memorial Hwy
- Reduced lanes from three lanes to two lanes in each direction