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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Minnesota Statewide Archaeological Predictive Model

Terms of Use


MnModel was financed with Transportation Enhancement and State Planning and Research funds from the Federal Highway Administration and a Minnesota Department of Transportation match.

Copyright Notice

© 2000-2019. The MnModel process and the predictive models it produces are copyrighted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Any fair use under copyright law should include the disclaimer above. Any use that extends beyond fair use permitted under copyright law requires the written permission of the Minnesota Department of Transportation.


The Minnesota Statewide Archaeological Predictive Model (MnModel) and the data it contains are provided for informational purposes only. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) does not guarantee the accuracy or quality of the data or predictions contained in MnModel and makes no warranty - express or implied - with respect to the data or predictions contained in MnModel. MnModel merely indicates the probability of locating an archaeological site, so it does not replace the need for field verification. A qualified archeologist must undertake an independent investigation in order to assess actual impact to known or potential sites. All end users of MnModel, its data, and its predictions assume all risk associated with use.