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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safety Rest Areas & Waysides



About Minnesota's rest areas

Statewide Rest Area Program

MnDOT's Safety Rest Area Program provides motorists in Minnesota with a coordinated system of rest areas and waysides. It helps motorists travel safer, smarter and more efficiently. Read more about the program.

Types of rest areas

MnDOT designates its rest areas into four classes: Class I through Class IV. The traffic volume and type of highway served by the facility determines the class designation and the amount and type of services provided. Read more about rest area types.

Crash prevention

Rest areas are essential safety features on the highway system that help address driver fatigue, a major cause of serious accidents. Their basic service is crash prevention. Studies reveal that a 15 to 20 minute break improves individual performance, even among sleep-deprived people. Read more about crash prevention and safety research.


MnDOT rest areas do not offer dumpstation services.

Governances - laws, policies and common practices

Certain MnDOT policies ensure that rest areas remain focused on their primary purposes: motorist safety, convenience and increased tourism to Minnesota. Read more about our governances.

Rest areas in nearby states

View rest areas in neighboring Midwest states.


MnDOT conducts market research studies to improve an understanding of safety rest area users, non-users and the services they desire. Read more about rest area research.


MnDOT has a significant history of developing and improving rest areas through partnerships with public and private partners.

Government ListServ

MnDOT's Rest Areas ListServ is a valuable tool for sharing rest area information between federal, state and provincial government staff. Read more about our ListServ.

Employment opportunities

Individuals interested in applying for custodial positions at MnDOT safety rest areas should contact Green View, Inc. MnDOT contracts with Green View to provide custodial services at Minnesota safety rest areas statewide. In accordance with Minnesota State Statute 160.282, Green View seeks to hire older, lower-income individuals to fill custodial positions.

Green View, Inc.
305 Roselawn Avenue East, Suite 150
St. Paul, MN 55117

National Safety Rest Area Conference and AASHTO

Read more about the National Safety Rest Area Conference and AASHTO.