Alert: Beware of fake messages pretending to be MnDOT, E-ZPass or tolling agencies. We don’t text or email for payment. Delete and don’t respond.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safety Rest Areas & Waysides


Statewide contacts

Rest Area Program Manager

Waysides (Class IV Rest Areas) Program Manager

Regional contacts

Services contacts

Comments and complaints

Are our rest areas meeting your needs? Email us about your experience. If your comments are site-specific, please include:

  • Date/time of your visit
  • Highway
  • Nearest city or interchange

Vending refunds

Snacks and beverages - To request refunds from snack and beverage vending machines, call 1-800-383-8155 or email Minnesota State Services for the Blind. Please include the name of the facility and its location in your request.

Newspapers - To request refunds from newspaper vending machines, contact the newspaper or the newspaper distributor directly. MnDOT is not responsible for newspaper vending services provided at rest areas.

Lost and found

Report a lost or found item at a rest area. Please include the rest area location and a detailed description of the item(s).