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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 169 Redefine—Elk River

Future freeway


Project layout

  • Final layout (2021) 8 MB, PDF
    • Note: Files are CADD detail design with aerial image in background. We recommend viewing from computer or laptop display, may take time to process. Consider visit to City Hall to view

Noise analysis

  • Noise analysis report (2020) 7 MB, PDF
    • Final voting results:
      • Yes build: Noise wall 2 along the east side of Hwy 169 between School St. and 193rd Ave.
        • Wall constructed in 2022
      • No build: Noise wall 1 along east side of Hwy 169 between Main St. and 5th St. NE

Single-point urban interchanges

A single-point urban interchange (SPUI) can also be called a single-point diamond interchange. The Highway 169 freeway project will use these interchange designs at Main St., School St. and 193rd Ave. This type of highway interchange design was created to help move large volumes of traffic through limited areas of space safely and efficiently. The term "single point" refers to the fact that all through traffic on the arterial street, as well as the traffic turning left onto or off the interchange, can be controlled from a single set of traffic signals.