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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 169 Redefine—Elk River

Future freeway

Work, traffic plan

Three-year look ahead

The future three-mile Hwy 169 freeway between Hwy 101/Hwy 10 and 197th Ave. in Elk River will take three full construction seasons to complete from April 2022 to November 2024.

Overall, Hwy 169 will be reduced to one lane of traffic in both directions through each work area. Access to/from Hwy 169 and adjacent streets will change, and motorists will follow road signs to the next open access. Pedestrians will have sidewalk closures with detours.

Map of work areas for each year.

Construct 2024

Work includes bridge, freeway lanes, adjacent road and sidewalk connections, city utilities and underground infrastructure at:

  • Hwy 169 bridge over Main St. interchange

Map: Image, PNG

Construct 2023: Complete

Work includes two bridges, freeway lanes, adjacent road and sidewalk connections, city utilities and underground infrastructure at:

  • School St. /Elk Hills Dr. over Hwy 169 interchange
  • Hwy 169 bridge over Jackson Ave./193rd Ave. interchange


Construct 2022: Complete

Work included two bridges, freeway lanes, adjacent road and sidewalk connections, city utilities and underground infrastructure at:

  • Hwy 10/101/169 interchange
  • Northbound Hwy 101/169 bridge over Hwy 10
  • 197th Ave. bridge over Hwy 169 interchange

Timeline table





April-Nov 2022


  • Complete
  • Complete

April-Nov 2023

  • School St./Elk Hills Dr. bridge over Hwy 169 interchange
  • Hwy 169 bridge over Jackson/193rd Ave. interchange
  • Complete

April-Nov 2024

  • Hwy 169 bridge over Main St. interchange
    1. Construct northbound Hwy 169, traffic on southbound side
    2. Construct southbound Hwy 169; traffic on northbound side
  • Hwy 169 reduced to one lane of traffic through work area
  • To/from access changes
  • Access closed to Main St.

Note: Off-road work to occur year-round. Information is tentative and subject to change.