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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Road Research

MnROAD - Environmental Sensors

Staff installing sensors

MnROAD | Data

Environmental Sensors (Static)

The matrix below contains the different sensor type descriptions, installation methods, and some of the data collected. Due to the complexity and amount of the data please use the Data Request Form for custom data requests. Most of these documents are PDFs.

Environmental sensor data information

Measurement Type

Sensor Documentation

Access the Data
If not listed, please request

Sensors installed in

Pavement Temperature

Thermocouple (TC) Documentation (pdf)

TC Temperature

All Layers

Environmental Strain

Vibrating Wire (VW, XT, RW, XV, VG, RG) Documentation (pdf)

Frequency (VW)
Temperature (XT)
Resistance (RW)
Temperature (XV)



Static Pressure Cell (PL, PT) Documentation (pdf)

Vertical Pressure (PT)
Lateral Pressure (PL)

Base and Subgrade

Static Pore Water Pressure SW (XT) Documentation (pdf)

Pore Water Pressure (XT)

Moisture Sensor Documentation (pdf)

Decagon (EC, EW, ET) Documentation (pdf)

Water Content (EW)
Temperature (ET)
Electrical Conductivity (EC)

Campbell Scientific (RE) Documentation (pdf)

Moisture Data (RE)

Watermark (WM, HD) Documentation (pdf)

Resistance (WM)
Heat Dissipation (HD)

Time Domain Reflectivity (TD) Documentation (pdf)

Moisture (TD)

Ground Water

Ground Water Monitoring (OS) Documentation (pdf)

Water Depth (OS)


PCC Curing

Humidity Gauge (MH, XH) Documentation (pdf)

Humidity (MH)
Temperature (XH)


PCC Joint Opening

Joint Opening (JO) Documentation (pdf)

Millivolts (JO)


Displacement Measurements (HC) Documentation (pdf)

Millivolts (HC)

Frost Depth

Resistivity Probe (RP) Locations (xls)

Resistance (RP)

Base and Subgrade