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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

Walking and bicycling to school

MnDOT Safe Routes to School visualization map
View an interactive map of Safe Routes to School in Minnesota.

About the program

Learn about the MnSRTS mission and vision, program organization, partnerships, steering committee, and find legislative reports.


Learn about our work to teach Minnesota students traffic safety skills and the benefits of walking and bicycling.

Grants and funding

Get the resources you need to improve walking and bicycling to school in your community!

Design and engineering

Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations in roadway projects are supported by Federal Legislation, Minnesota State Statutes and MnDOT policy and practice. MnDOT translates Federal and State laws for accommodating bicycles and pedestrians into policies and practices.

News and events

Learn about upcoming events, recent news, and SRTS activities statewide.