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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

Grantee guidance: Procurement

The following guidance will explain our procurement process, answer frequently asked questions, and provide procurement templates for use with MnSRTS grants.

This guidance is provided to ensure that all recipients and/or grantees are aware of and comply with procurement requirements and conduct procurement transactions in a manner that provides full and open competition. The MnDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation provides the same level of guidance and requirements for all procurements, regardless if granted with federal or state funds.

Procurement processes will vary based on the type and amount of the supply, equipment, product or service. Each method for procurement is listed below, by clicking on the specific method sample documents are provided to complete your procurement. 

Prior to soliciting vendors and signing contracts with vendors, sub-recipients and/or grantees must provide their completed documents for MnDOT's Safe Routes to School staff to review and then wait for a Notice to Proceed.

Purchasing/Procurement FAQ (Word) 

The Bike Fleet Spec Sheet is a resource with the goal to serves as a comprehensive tool for community members who are interested in applying for a SRTS Boost Grant to support an on-bike education programming at their school or district.

Bike Fleet Spec Sheet (Excel)

How to make small purchases – Under $10,000

Considered a ‘small purchase’ is the acquisition of supplies, services and contracts up to $10,000 or less.

  • Grantee must reach out to obtain pricing from two or more vendors using any method they choose (phone call, online price, etc) and certify on the MnDOT invoice that the pricing is fair and reasonable

Follow these steps to start a small purchase process:

  • Acquire and document price estimates from two or more sources.
  • Make purchases and save receipts/invoices for reimbursement request.
  • Attest to ‘fair and reasonable price determination’ confirming multiple vendors were reviewed before purchasing by signing the MnDOT reimbursement invoice form with your paid receipt/invoice.
  • Maintain your own file of these documents.

Forms needed for small purchase

No forms are needed beyond the invoice submitted to MnDOT. Example SRTS related purchases under the small purchase (under $10,000) threshold might include:

  • Purchasing a bulk supply of stickers or items of value at $5 or less
  • Seeking a vendor to print brochures, flyers, or maps
  • Purchasing a small fleet of bikes
  • Purchasing bike supplies(e.g. helmets, vests, bike blenders, bike stands)
  • Purchasing a bike trailer or constructing a bike storage unit
  • Seeking a vendor to conduct a study, audit or assessment
  • Purchasing approved bulk supplies or resource materials
  • Seeking a vendor to create and provide video media for public awareness

How to make large purchases – over $10,000

A large purchase is the acquisition of supplies, services and contracts in amounts ranging from $10,000 to $250,000.

  • Grantee is required to solicit for quotes from 2 or more known vendors requesting costs for comparable items.
  • Grantee must complete the Procurement Documentation Form and obtain MnDOT approval before any purchases are made.
  • Once grantee receives notice to proceed from MnDOT, complete purchases and obtain receipts and invoices to submit with MnDOT invoice for reimbursement.
  • Grantee must complete a MnDOT Asset Management form (Word) if a single piece of equipment exceeds $5,000 (ex. Trailer for bike fleet) and submit to

Example SRTS related purchases within the large purchase range might include:

  • Purchasing a large fleet of bikes
  • Purchasing bike trailers or constructing bike storage units
  • Seeking a vendor to conduct a study, audit or assessment
  • Purchasing approved bulk supplies or resource materials
  • Seeking a vendor to create and provide video or web media for public awareness
  • Consultation work