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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Grantee guidance: Reporting and invoicing

The purpose of this guidance is to provide grantees with the resources and requirements needed to efficiently and effectively report on and be reimbursed for their progress on SRTS Grants. 

Requesting a payment

MnDOT SRTS grants are reimbursement grants, meaning the grantee must first incur the expense and then provide documentation of the expense to the project manager.

The grantee may request a payment:

  1. Once eligible expenses have been incurred and properly documented.
  2. Upon submission of an invoice to MnDOT. (complete with invoice cover page, supporting documentation summary, and supporting documentation)
  3. According to the reimbursement schedule identified in the contract.
  4. Final reimbursement will only be paid after the grant project is completed, all final reporting requirements are met, and the grantee has provided MnDOT Office of Transit and Active Transportation with documentation of final expenditures.

Before preparing and assembling an invoice, first read through our financial guidance for requests for payment.

Financial Guidance for Requests for Payment (Word)

Invoice packet example (PDF) (cover page, supporting documentation summary and documentation)

Zero sum invoices - in the case that zero dollars have been expended during a time period, a zero sum invoice must be submitted to MnDOT.

Progress reporting

Progress reporting is a means to share achievements and progress made towards program goals and to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of State funds. Progress reports contain updates on activities and align with expenditures that occurred since the previous report. Progress reports are to be completed on the schedule outlined in your grant agreement and submitted with in conjunction with requests for payment. In the case that no work has been accomplished during a time period, a progress report still must be submitted indicating no work has been conducted during that time period.

Progress reports should be submitted separately from invoices.

Invoicing and progress reporting templates

Invoices should be submitted to the SRTS project manager on the schedule indicated in your contract and should include the invoice cover page, supporting documentation summary and all supporting documentation combined in one PDF. Progress reports should be submitted separately.

Find invoicing and reporting form templates