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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Safe Routes to School

Grantee Guidance: Expectations

Expectations of grantees

Grantees are expected to be good stewards of the grant funds they are awarded. Being a good steward means acting in a fiscally responsible manner, understanding and following the terms of the grant agreement and working closely with MnDOT SRTS staff on managing the project. It is MnDOT’s expectation that grantees will do the following:

  • Know and follow the scope of work and budget of the grant agreement award
  • Submit grant expenditures for only the activities that were stated in the grant agreement and within the range of approved budgets
  • Follow standard accounting procedures
  • Maintain and retain financial records to support expenditures billed to the grant
  • Submit invoices and progress reports by the dates indicated in the grant agreement
  • Obtain prior approval from SRTS staff when appropriate      
  • If subcontracting is an allowable expenditure in the budget, follow applicable state and federal procurement laws
  • Credit the MnDOT Safe Routes to School program when talking about the project with media, or in other venues
  • Ensure financial and performance benchmarks are met while implementing the project

Expectations of MnDOT SRTS staff

  • Provide technical support and excellent customer service to organizations applying for or receiving grant funding
  • Be a resource for information on Safe Routes to School projects
  • Respond promptly to requests from grantees via email, or telephone
  • Be a partner to successfully implement the project, making it so youth in Minnesota can safely, confidently, and conveniently walk, bike, and roll to school and in daily life.