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NRRA Intelligent Construction Technologies Team

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MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | ICT Team

Veta Enhancements for Material Delivery Management System (MDMS) Standardized Platform

Contract #: 1047755
Status: Active


Many States have been piloting the Material Delivery Management System (MDMS)(an expanded form of E-Ticketing) since 2015. The increased use of this technology has been accelerating due to the impact of COVID-19 since 2020. A draft AASHTO provisional practice has been established to assist with the standardization of data block naming conventions, data elements, data exports, addressing centralized suppliers’ needs, and more. There are currently more than 15 vendors providing varying levels of solutions for the MDMS technology. As with ride quality (smoothness), intelligent compaction (IC), paver mounted thermal profiling (PMTP), dielectric profile system (DPS), a standardized platform is needed to view the MDMS data regardless of the MDMS vendors used on the contracts. There could potentially be multiple MDMS platforms that an inspector is required to navigate on a given contract depending upon which MDMS each subcontractor elects to utilize (e.g., a different MDMS for asphalt, concrete, aggregate, milling, etc.).

Additionally, an agency interface is needed (independent from the Contractor’s MDMS) to allow for data entry of split load, rejected loads, and other information. Also, MDMS data and analysis will need to be transferred into AASHTOWare® Project and other state database systems. However, this will not address the standardization of the geospatial needs that the MDMS currently provides. The potential solution to overcome the above challenges is a public-domain, standardized web-based geospatial software system. Sponsored by the FHWA and TPFs, the Veta desktop software has been a proven model for integrating and mapping data from various intelligent construction technologies (ICT) with great success since 2012.

The project objective is to develop a Veta Web that can be a standardized web platform to integrate all MDMS-related data in a standardized format. Additionally, a web platform will also provide a near-real-time platform for viewing the IC, PMTP, and DPS data to identify quality of work issues. Currently, this information can only be viewed post-processed with the desktop version of Veta.

Project Tasks

Task 1: Initial memorandum on expected research benefits and potential implementation steps

During the proposal phase and the development of the work plan, key benefits were selected to clearly define the benefits the state will receive from this research’s results and conclusions. This task will provide an initial assessment of research benefits, a proposed methodology, and potential implementation steps.

  • Deliverable: Memorandum on expected research benefits and potential implementation steps

Task 2: Kickoff meeting

A kickoff meeting will be conducted with the National Road Research Alliance’s (NRRA) technical advisory panel (TAP) and all research partners within four weeks of Notice-to-Proceed (NTP). The meeting will focus on the work plan and discuss potential modifications. The TAP from the NRRA members is volunteered to work with the research team to provide technical feedback and advice. NRRA will designate this panel.

  • Deliverables: Kickoff meeting minutes and updated work plans

Task 3: Veta Web Phase I

The Contractor shall implement Veta Web Phase I. This implementation is a staged approach to complete the hybrid desktop-web version on Phase I, then complete the full web version on Phase II. This approach will allow faster implementation of the Veta Web. The Phase I version can be served as a stepping stone to the full web version in Phase II. The technologies covered shall include intelligent construction technologies (ICT) such as Intelligent Compaction (IC), Paver-Mounted Thermal Profilers (PMTP), and Dielectric Profile Systems (DPS).

  • Deliverable: Updated version of Veta ICDM, including Task 3 enhancements

Task 4: Veta MDMS

The Contractor will create a standardized Material Delivery Management System (MDMS) platform within Veta.

  • Deliverable: Updated version of Veta ICDM, including Task 4 enhancements

Task 5: Veta Web Phase II (Part I)

The Contractor shall implement Veta Web Phase II (Part I). This implementation is to port the Veta desktop code to the web version

  • Deliverable: Updated version of Veta ICDM, including Task 5 enhancements.

Task 6: Final memorandum on research benefits and implementation steps

During earlier phases of the project, key benefits were selected to clearly define the benefits the State of Minnesota will receive from this research’s results and conclusions. This task will produce a final memorandum that clarifies and documents the methodology used to calculate benefits, including any assumptions and steps required. In addition to quantitative calculations (when feasible), this task should also include a qualitative discussion of the estimated benefits. The memorandum should also include key steps that agencies could take to implement the research.

  • Deliverable: Final memorandum on research benefits and implementation steps

Project team

Email the Project Team
Principal Investigator:
George Chang, Ph.D., The Transtec Group, Inc.,
Technical Liaison: Rebecca Embacher, MnDOT,
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP): Contact us to join this TAP

  • Aaron Chamberlin, Caltrans
  • Paul Chang, Caltrans
  • Ed Collins, NY State DOT
  • Stephen Cooper, FHWA
  • Curt Dunn, North Dakota DOT
  • Michael Johnson, Minnesota DOT
  • Perry Mayer, Caltrans
  • Devin Porr, Caltrans
  • Matthew Selin, Minnesota DOT
  • James Schneider, Minnesota DOT
  • Jonathan Varner, Missouri DOT
  • Jacob Walker, Georgia DOT

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