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Intelligent Construction Technologies Team

Orange barrels on a highway

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams

Intelligent Construction Technologies Team

The NRRA Intelligent Construction Technologies (ICT) team is comprised of technical experts in the area of intelligent construction technologies. ICT includes innovative technologies for planning, design, construction, real-time quality control/monitoring, and management for the lifecycle of infrastructure construction. The ICT team’s activities include: short-term and long-term research, field evaluation and/or demonstration of current and emerging technologies, partnering with industry to assist with development and deployment of technologies, creation of tools and resources to assist with deployment efforts, technology transfer among NRRA partners, specification development and providing input for technology transfer.

Meeting minutes

ICT Team meeting minutes are accessible on the Minnesota online asset management platform eDOCs. Minutes from previous meetings back to 2016 are available upon request.


NRRA Intelligent Construction Efforts

Phase 2 Additions

The Veta Pooled Fund has been brought under the NRRA umbrella to continue research in alignment with our intelligent construction technologies focus.

2023 projects

2021 projects

2020 projects

2019 projects

2019 synthesis