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Road Research

NRRA Flexible, Preventive Maintenance, Geotechnical, and Intelligent Construction Technologies Teams

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | Flexible Team

Reclamation and Recycling Techniques to Achieve Perpetual Pavement Characteristics

Status: Active
MnDOT Contract Number: 1048377


The objective of this project is to identify and apply the proper treatment for Stabilized Full-Depth Reclamation (SFDR) test sections constructed at MnROAD in 2008. The proper treatment will extend the good performance and continue perpetual pavement behavior of MnROAD cells 2 and 3. MnROAD cells 4 and 15 need a deeper rehabilitation and have additional challenges from the original full-depth asphalt structure. It is proposed that cells 4 and 15 be designed and constructed to be a Perpetual Pavement (PP) achieved using reclamation and recycling techniques. The use of reclamation and recycling techniques to achieve perpetual pavements is gaining traction with agencies around the US due to the sustainability benefits of reclamation in addition to the sustainability benefits from a long life pavement.

Historically, these sections at MnROAD have been used to promote benefits of reclamation and can continue to serve as an example of effective, long-lasting SFDR. The research will also address rehabilitation techniques for full-depth asphalt pavements using modern techniques and materials.

Specifically, the NRRA research contract is requested for this project to:

  1. Develop solutions for FDR pavements after ≈15 years from construction - Preventive Maintenance and Rehabilitation;
  2. Develop layer coefficients or other design inputs for recycled / reclaimed layers;
  3. Develop solutions for full-depth asphalt pavement rehabilitation; and
  4. Conduct structural analysis to characterize pavement responses and performance from a perpetual pavement design perspective.


This project promotes in-place recycling, which has been shown as an excellent choice to promote sustainability and ensure adequate long-term performance for rehabilitation of an existing HMA roadway. The research will focus on the implementation of reclamation and recycling techniques on actual pavements to achieve Perpetual Pavement (PP) characteristics. MnROAD mainline old test sections 101 and 201 became new test sections 2201 and 2202 and old test section 4 became new test sections 2207 and 2208. These sections required a deeper repair and in-place materials were improved to turn this section into another Recycled Perpetual Pavement. The existing bituminous layers were milled off and used in cold in-place recycling layers. Test sections 2201 and 2207 used a rejuvenated emulsion as a recycling agent and test sections 2202 and 2208 only used emulsion as control test sections. These test sections were overlay with 2 inches of HMA and an Ultra-thin Bonded Wearing Course (UTBWC). MnROAD mainline old test sections 2 became new test sections 2203 and 2204 and old test section 3 became new test sections 2205 and 2206. Preventive maintenance treatments were applied to preserve and extend the good performance of these sections. Test sections 2204 and 2205 have a micro surface applied and the remaining two sections, 2203 and 2206, have an UTBWC.


Task 1: Literature review

Compile research associated with reclamation and recycling techniques with an emphasis on analysis tools that agencies can us.

Task 2: Case Studies of existing projects to promote implementation

Compilation of case studies from NRRA members experiences on reclamation and recycling techniques and field pavement performance

Task 3: Perpetual pavement mechanistic analysis

Analysis of instrumentation, field monitoring, and pavement ME analysis. Develop AASHTO Design layer coefficients for reclaimed and recycled layers.

  • Deliverable: Written report
  • Due date: December 31, 2024

Task 4: Advanced construction monitoring results

Utilize ICT, QC, DPS information to pull this data into a report showing the impacts of these efforts on the construction.

  • Deliverables: Written Report
  • Due date: December 20, 2024

Task 5: Laboratory Testing

Mix and binder testing will be conducted on field cores and mixes, taken over time. Binder testing will include chemical composition and rheological testing. Testing will follow Contractor testing recommendations to meet the project goal.

  • Deliverables: Project update (written report and presentation to TAP)
  • Due date: June 19, 2024

Task 6: Annual Interim Update 2nd Year

To provide TAP and NRRA update on testing results and progress.

  • Deliverables: Project update (written report and/or NRRA Research Pays Off Presentation)
  • Due date: December 20, 2023

Task 7: Annual Interim Update 3rd Year

To provide TAP and NRRA update on testing results and progress.

  • Deliverables: Project update (written report and/or NRRA Research Pays Off Presentation)
  • Due date: December 20, 2024

Task 8: Final Report

To provide final report which summarizes and explains (but is not limited to) purpose and scope of project, laboratory binder testing results, and field performance results.

  • Deliverables: Project final report and presentation to TAP and/or NRRA Research Pays Off Presentation
  • Due date: 6/19/2025

Task 9: Editorial review and publication of final report

Conduct editorial review on final report for publication

  • Deliverables: Final Report
  • Due date: 9/21/2025

Task 10: Site Visit

Project management time for preparing and submitting accurate and timely invoices.

  • Deliverables: None
  • Due date: September 30, 2022

Project team

Email the Project Team
Principal Investigator: Mohammad Sabouri, Ph.D., P.E,
Braun Intertec,
Co-Investigators: Dan Wegman, P.E.,
Braun Intertec,; Eshan V. Dave, Ph.D., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire,; Jo E. Sias, Ph.D., P.E., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire,
Technical Liaison:
Emil Bautista, MnDOT,
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP): Contact us to join this TAP

  • Emil Bautista, MnDOT (TL)
  • Terry Beaudry, MnDOT
  • Jenna Bowers, Ingevity
  • Brandon Brever, MAPA
  • Steve Cross, Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA)
  • John Garrity, MnDOT
  • Peter Kemp, WisDOT
  • Tirupan Mandal, WisDOT
  • Joseph Podolsky, MnDOT
  • Dan Swiertz, Asphalt Materials, Inc.
  • Hassan Tabatabaee, Cargill Bioindustrial
  • Raul Velasquez, MnDOT

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