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Research Pays Off Seminar Series

Research Pays Off Webinar Series

Every third Tuesday of the month, 10 a.m. central time

The National Road Research Alliance will provide a monthly seminar to highlight our research and related topics that will make an impact on the work done here in the state of Minnesota and around the country.

We announce upcoming webinars through our LinkedIn page and the NRRA newsletters.

We want to hear from you!

If you have a project, topic, or speaker you'd like to suggest, please contact Lauren Dao at

Upcoming webinars

March 18, 2025

Integration of Connected Vehicle Data into Road Management: MnDOT Experience presented by Björn Zachrisson, Ph.D. and Matteo Pettinari, Ph.D., NIRA Dynamics, and Raphael Stern, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

In 2024, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) started to do research on connected vehicle data, recognizing its transformative potential for road management in both maintenance and safety. As these data sources are still in an early phase and not yet implemented in the decision-making process at US DoTS, MnDOT has approached the initiative at two distinct scales. At a statewide level, MnDOT collaborated with NIRA Dynamics, leveraging data from Volkswagen and Audi fleet vehicles to assess the feasibility and impact of a national road-scanning approach driven by connected cars. This large-scale initiative provided valuable insights into how vehicle-generated data can enhance network-wide road monitoring for both winter and structural maintenance. Concurrently, on a more localized scale, the University of Minnesota has conducted in-depth research into raw CAN bus signal processing. This investigation aims to explore and quantify the long-term potential of connected vehicle data, offering a deeper technical understanding of its applications in road management. This webinar will present key findings and lessons learned from both approaches, highlighting the opportunities and challenges of integrating connected vehicle data into transportation infrastructure management.

April - Join us for the NRRA Conference!


Past webinars

View the full playlist of recorded webinars.

February 18, 2025

Utah’s Experience with Highly Modified, Low Air Void for Extreme Performance presented by Dave Johnson, Asphalt Institute and Howard Anderson, Utah DOT

In the state of Utah, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has embraced a combination of innovative technologies, mix design parameters, and construction techniques to produce asphalt pavements that are demonstrating far superior performance compared to other paving options. The innovative technology is a more highly modified asphalt binder than had previously been used in Utah. The mix design parameters with this binder saw the target volumetrics adjusted into ranges that were once thought impossible as they would negatively affect performance. And the construction technique eliminated multiple lifts in favor of a single, thick lift, with increased density requirement to match the changes in the volumetric requirements from the mix design. Moreover, the phenomenal performance and its cost effectiveness have caused the UDOT to embrace this as their mixture of choice.

December 17, 2024

Low Carbon Materials Grant and Using Life Cycle Assessments to Reduce Embodied Carbon in Pavement Infrastructure at MnDOT presented by Emil Bautista, Ph.D., P.E., MnDOT and Zhanping You, P.E., Ph.D., F.ASCE, F.EMI, Michigan Technological University

Green public procurement (GPP) efforts in the United States emphasizes the use of environmental product declarations (EPDs) to improve environmental performance and reduce emissions in construction projects. EPDs, standardized tools that present the life cycle assessment (LCA) results, enable fair comparison and selection of low-carbon materials, particularly for asphalt and concrete. EPDs highlight environmental impacts such as global warming potential (GWP) across life cycle stages, supporting benchmarks for asphalt and concrete. Key strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions include optimizing mix designs, sourcing local materials to minimize hauling distances, and adopting warm-mix asphalt (WMA) technologies to lower production temperatures. Increased use of recycled materials, such as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and ground tire rubber (GTR), also further reduces emissions. The ongoing project at MTU focuses on developing EPDs and benchmarks for construction stages, and integrating serviceability criteria into EPDs for comprehensive performance and environmental analysis. The main objectives of the project include using tools of LCA and EPD to measure and reduce carbon footprints in transportation infrastructure, training Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and industry personnel on carbon emissions measurement and reduction, collecting LCA data for MnDOT paving projects (specifically construction stages), and integrating LCA and EPD tools into MnDOT's procurement and specifications to support decarbonization; the research team has focused on 14 projects, including 12 from MnDOT, a WMA project in Minneapolis, and a hot rubber chip seal project implemented by NRRA in Michigan, with the longest road being 24.266 miles and the highest asphalt tonnage reaching 107,678 tons.

About the LCA to Reduce Embodied Carbon in Pavements at MnDOT project and the Low Carbon Transportation Materials working group

November 19, 2024

An Innovative Practical Approach to Assessing Bitumen Compatibility as a Means of Material Specification presented by Eshan Dave, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire

The study explores mixture and binder performance tests to identify compatible binder, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), recycling agents (RAs), and their sources. It employs dynamic shear rheometer and differential scanning calorimeter for binder characterization, along with Illinois flexibility index and disc-shaped compact tension tests for mixture characterization, focusing on cracking performance. The findings can guide agencies in selecting measures to differentiate materials from various sources in terms of their compatibility.

October 15, 2024

ISIC Conference Recap presented by George Chang, Ph.D., ISIC President

The International Society for Intelligent Construction 2024 Conference (ISIC 2024) was held in Orlando, Florida, USA, from 10th to 12th September 2024. The theme of the ISIC 2024 conference was "Sustainability through Technologies." The conference topics cover the scope of intelligent construction technologies for infrastructure to improve sustainability and safety. This webinar will provide a brief introduction to ISIC and the summary for the workshops, technical sessions, etc. at ISIC 2024. Further information is available on the ISIC website (

September 17, 2024

Improving Moisture Resistance/Control of Pavement Foundation Systems via Engineered Water Repellency presented by Bora Cetin, Ph.D., professor, Michigan State University and John Daniels, Ph.D., vice chancellor for the Division of Research, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

August 20, 2024

Determining Asphalt Pavement Milling Best Practices through Enhanced Understanding of Milling Operations presented by Kaleigh Miech, Graduate Student, University of New Hampshire

Milling of asphalt pavements is a commonly used technique in many cases of maintaining and rehabilitating roadways. That said, implementing these milling operations has potential to cause harm to the layers below the mill line due to it being a relatively high-stress and energy activity. In this study, the impact of milling to the pavement layer directly below the mill line was evaluated for five parameters: the pavement temperature at the time of milling, the amount of time between milling and post-mill overlay construction, the depth of milling relative to the asphalt lift interfaces, the structure of the existing pavement, and operational parameters such as rotor speed. To compare the impact of these parameters on the milled pavement, pre- and post-milling cores were collected under each parameter variation and were then trimmed to represent the equivalent layer directly below the mill line. Laboratory testing was then performed on both the pre- and post-milling cores and a statistical analysis was conducted to determine if the milling operations inflicted a significant impact to the physical or mechanical properties of the pavement layer directly below the mill line. The results from this analysis determined that performing milling operations while the pavement is at a cooler temperature, or leaving milled pavement exposed to traffic and weather for extended periods, can cause the strength of the layer directly below the mill line to decrease significantly. Pavement life evaluations were also conducted using lab measured properties as well as field testing (pre- and post-milled falling weight deflectometer testing). The results of this analysis found that leaving a milled pavement exposed for 2 weeks before overlay placement and milling at cooler temperatures have the potential to decrease the pavement life.

July 16, 2024

Development of Testing and Analysis Procedures for Assessing Moisture Fluctuations in In-Service Pavements Using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) presented by Eyoab Zegeye, P.E., Ph.D., Principal Research Engineer, MnDOT

Environmental factors such as heavy rainfall, freeze-thaw cycles, and changes in the groundwater table significantly affect moisture levels in pavement foundations, impacting pavement performance over both the short and long term. Accurately monitoring and assessing foundation moisture, especially after extreme events like floods and freeze-thaw cycles, is crucial for pavement engineers. This allows them to effectively manage traffic by adjusting flow or restrictions based on subsurface moisture conditions. Traditional methods for measuring pavement moisture, including in-place sensors, coring, trenching, and indirect assessments like the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), are costly, invasive, slow, offer limited spatial coverage, and disrupt traffic.

Recognizing this challenge, MnDOT's Office of Materials and Road Research (OMRR) has been investigating the feasibility of using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) to monitor moisture fluctuations in the unbound aggregate layers of in-service pavement. The findings of these research efforts support the possibility of using GPR as a non-invasive, portable solution for swiftly evaluating extensive road segments and detecting subsurface moisture levels at a reasonable cost. This approach would enable local road authorities to promptly assess moisture conditions in critical pavement areas.

This presentation will discuss MnDOT's phased approach in developing testing and analysis procedures for extracting moisture content information from GPR data. The discussion will include a comparison of GPR-based moisture levels to those measured by in-place sensors and FWD basin indexes. Finally, it will outline plans to transition from testing and experimentation in controlled facilities such as MNROAD to actual roads.

June 18, 2024

Towards the Development of Concrete Pavement-specific Fibers to Mitigate Transverse Joint Faulting presented by Manik Barman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth

May 21, 2024

New Non-contact Systems for Enhancing Early Age Concrete Pavements presented by Quang Tran, Ph.D., Michigan Tech

Current pavement construction guidelines do not provide adequate and accurate information for personnel about optimal timing to initiate construction activities, such as sawcutting, formwork removal, or applying curing compounds. As of now, decision-making and timing for construction activities heavily rely on the experience and subjectivity of field engineers, contractors, and operators. Additionally, due to the interaction between concrete and climatic conditions, accurately predicting the timing of construction activities remains challenging, even for experienced personnel. The current approaches are based on visual inspection by field engineering, leading to conflicts among different construction parties, including contractors, management agencies, and design engineers.

To address these challenges, a new non-contact and nondestructive system has been developed to support decision-making in concrete pavement construction activities. The system provides in-situ and real time data on early-age concrete properties, including setting time, spalling damage, and surface cracking. The non-contact system has been successfully field validated on three field test sections of a concrete pavement in Itasca, IL. Furthermore, the system was able to evaluate the effectiveness of curing methods through monitoring of the near-surface damage of early-age hydrating paste. It easily distinguished the specimen damage differences between the no curing surface, plastic cover cure, and wax-based curing.

Moreover, this non-contact system can support field construction personnel in predicting sawcut initiation time and assessing the quality of sawn joints. We also developed a nondestructive technique to verify the existence of cracks activated below the sawcut joints, which are not visible from the concrete slab surface. This comprehensive approach offers significant potential to improve construction efficiency and quality while minimizing conflicts among construction parties.

April 16, 2024

Effect of Low and Moderate Recycled Concrete Aggregate Replacement Levels on Concrete Properties presented by Rita Lederle, Ph.D., P.E., University of St. Thomas

This research studied concrete mixes that used 5-15% recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). Effects on fresh and hardened concrete properties and durability were investigated with the goal of creating a roadmap for incorporating low levels of RCA into new concrete pavements.

March 19, 2024

Distress Rodeo at MnROAD Results presented by Jacob Calvert, MnROAD engineer

February 20, 2024

MnROAD Data and How to Make it Work for You presented by Ben Worel, MnROAD Operations Engineer and MnROAD Staff

Recording is unavailable for this session.

Jan. 23, 2024

Canceled due to TRB Annual Meeting

December 19, 2023

Incorporating the Flooding Effects in Mechanistic-Empirical Flexible Pavement Analysis to Evaluate the Pavement Network Resiliency Against Flooding presented by Emin Kutay, Ph.D., Michigan State University

Flooding can cause considerable damage to flexible pavements and negatively affects their performance over time. However, the flooding effects on pavements are not typically considered within the design/analysis procedures. To fill this gap, the Unified Pavement Distress Analysis and Prediction System (UPDAPS), which includes mechanistic-empirical analysis models, was modified to develop the UPDAPS-Flood. To accommodate the analysis of flooding events and their effects, typical monthly analysis increments were broken into daily ones during the flood and post-flood periods. Results obtained from selected pavement sections exposed to major and flash floods will be discussed. In addition, the UPDAPS-Flood was used to evaluate the resiliency of the pavement network by analyzing thousands of flexible pavement sections throughout the United States. The results help developing the resiliency maps, which will be discussed extensively during the presentation.

November 21, 2023

Integrating MEPDG Analysis in the LCA Framework of Pavement Materials and the Monetization of Environmental Impacts for Cost-benefit Evaluation presented by Michele Lanotte, Ph.D., Michigan State University, Angela Farina, Ph.D., Michigan State University, and Haider Ibrahim, Khalifa University

The primary approach for quantifying the environmental burdens of the service life of pavements and materials currently relies on expert opinions, pre-established values, or secondary data sources. However, integrating the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) analysis within the LCA framework offers the opportunity to better quantify the impacts of the use-phase based on predicted pavement performance. Adopting this analysis framework is particularly beneficial to correctly evaluate the environmental burdens of polymer- and waste-modified asphalts, which are often undervalued. Results obtained on case studies in Michigan for the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and in the UAE for the local municipalities will be discussed. Furthermore, following the case study of the UAE, the concept of monetization of environmental impacts will be introduced to offer a tangible financial perspective on environmental considerations. The monetization methodology bridges the gap between using life cycle assessment as a tool for mere environmental analysis and its integration into a cost-benefit evaluation. As countries globally intensify efforts towards net zero strategic initiatives, these findings present a timely discussion on the role of pavement technology in this journey.

October 17, 2023

Qualitative Rating System for Drainability of Roadway Base Materials presented by Bill Likos, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, TRB Best Paper Award

Poor drainage of roadway base materials can lead to increased pore water pressure, reduction of strength and stiffness, and freeze-thaw damage. Objectives of this project are to quantitatively assess permeability and water retention characteristics of representative roadway base materials, to derive predictive equations for indirect estimation of the material properties that control drainability, and to develop a generalized rating system for assessing base drainability from simple measurements. Laboratory tests are conducted on samples of materials used in or considered for use in roadway applications to determine grain size distribution, hydraulic conductivity, and soil-water characteristic curves. Results are correlated to grain size characteristics and procedures are developed to qualitatively assess drainability as “excellent,” “marginal,” or “poor.” Results provide a framework to reduce pavement life cycle costs, improve safety, realize material cost savings, and reduce environmental impacts.

Download a copy of Dr. Likos' presentation.

September 19, 2023

e-Compaction for Pavement Foundations: Quantify Progress, Make Informed Decisions, Identify Problems, Evaluate Performance, and Communicate Effectively presented by David J. White, Ph.D., P.E. and Kera Gieselman

This presentation will describe the implementation of new updates to the e-Compaction advanced technology system designed to provide real-time, high quality compaction verification results for pavement foundation projects. Two projects will be presented: (1) MnROAD research test cell characterizations performed in 2017 and 2022, and (2) fast-paced highway pavement construction jobs involving selective stabilization as part of the FHWA TPF-5(478).

August 15, 2023

Solutions to Mitigate Dowel/Tie-Bar Propagated Cracking, Phase 1 Project presented by Shreenath Rao, Applied Research Associates, Inc.

Dowel bars and tie bars are essential components of concrete pavements responsible for transferring loads across joints and preventing joints from opening up. Some of the same properties that allow dowel bars and tie bars to perform these functions, can also contribute to damage and cracking of the concrete, particularly during early age, if they restrain slab movement too much causing localized stresses around dowel bars and tie bars to exceed local strengths. This presentation will cover results of Phase I of the NRRA study entitled "Solutions to Mitigate Dowel/Tie-Bar Propagated Cracking" and include summary observations from the field studies and proposed plans for Phase II work.

July 18, 2023

An Overview of NRRA Efforts presented by Ben Worel, NRRA Executive Director

This presentation will be a broad overview of the history and current status of NRRA. An ideal session for new members, those interested in joining NRRA, or even long-time members who want a refresher.

June 20, 2023

The Road Forward presented by Richard Willis, Ph.D., National Asphalt Pavement Association

Industries across the world are assessing how they can move forward in an age when policy and legislation are encouraging the construction industry to reduce its carbon footprint. In 2022, NAPA released The Road Forward, an industry-wide vision for the asphalt industry to become carbon neutral. In this webinar, learn the goals and tactics needed for the asphalt industry to start working towards net zero and providing road owners with opportunities to take advantage of funds that have become available in recent legislative efforts.

May 16, 2023

None, due to the Minnesota Transportation Conference & Expo

April 18, 2023

Evaluation of Levels 3-4 Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values (ICMV) for Soils Subgrade and Aggregate Subbase Compaction presented by Cesar Tirado of UTEP and George K. Chang of Transtec Group

Feb. 21, 2023

Improving Field Moisture Monitoring of Recycled Bases presented by Ceren Aydin, Michigan State University and Raul Velasquez, MnDOT

Reliable moisture monitoring of geomaterials throughout pavement service life is critical for geotechnical asset management by transportation agencies. Improved moisture sensing enables transportation officials and practitioners to better understand performance of complex recycled materials under frequent extreme rain events. Although moisture sensing for geomaterials has improved significantly, there are still challenges when using sensors in recycled materials that may contain unhydrated cement and/or aged asphalt. Challenges include the development of calibration functions that account for presence of recycled materials and robust installation procedures, as technology was developed mostly for agricultural practices.

In this study, a series of experiments have been conducted to suggest improvements for installation techniques and data interpretation of soil moisture and water potential sensors. Suggested installation guidelines minimize wash-out and erosion potential at soil-sensor interface. Experimental results indicated a strong bi-linear relation between dielectric of recycled materials and water content with a region of relatively small change governed by dielectric permittivity of air and a region of rapid change controlled by dielectric permittivity of water. Moreover, it was found that dielectric permittivity is not significantly affected by aggregate internal structure as dielectric for a specific moisture content for different compaction degrees is relatively similar. Furthermore, it was determined that the soil water characteristic curves obtained using the water potential sensor and improved installation technique compares reasonably well with laboratory results obtained with traditional equipment. Reliability and survivability rate of both moisture and water potential sensors at MnROAD were improved with suggested guidelines.

Jan. 17, 2023

Canceled due to TRB Annual Meeting

Dec. 20, 2022

Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCC with Surface Texture) Project Report presented by Kamal H. Khayat of Missouri University of Science and Technology

Nov. 15, 2022

Comparative Analysis Of Heavy Truck IRI-Induced Excess Fuel Consumption of Various Network Pavement Interventions presented by Bernard Izevbekhai, P.E., Ph.D. of Minnesota DOT

This initiative investigated a rational process of incorporating the HDM-4 IRI-induced fuel consumption model for heavy duty trucks into the LCCA process using the Sigmoidal IRI degradation curves from the MnDOT Pavement Management. Pavement selection in Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is currently based on project size, traffic volume and ultimately the comparative Net Present Cost in the life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of the sequence of interventions within a 50-year analysis period for each alternative. Hitherto there was no consideration of the actual pattern of the performance curves although the expected service life was based on a Ride Quality Index (RQI) of 2.5 being terminal. The research first updated the sigmoidal model constants for the major interventions in the network. It subsequently applied HDM-4 Model excess fuel consumption model for IRI induced heavy truck to the IRI versus time sigmoidal curve to obtain excess fuel versus time. Net present value (NPV) of excess fuel consumption rate was normalized by dividing by the characteristic service life. Using the institutional sequence (cascade) of interventions over a 50-year period for the various fixes, three total consumption indices of Heavy-Duty Truck-IRI degradation were obtained. Each of the three indices was divided by the corresponding index obtained for current dowelled concrete construction. The three resulting ratios are recommended as IRI-induced Excess Consumption Fuel Factors that could be applied as multipliers to the LCCA of the pavement selection process.

Oct. 18, 2022

Novel Methods for Adding Rejuvenators in Asphalt Mixtures with High Recycled Binder Ratios Project Report presented by Fan Yin, Ph.D., P.E. and Raquel Moraes, Ph.D. of National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT)

This webinar will feature a recently completed NRRA Flexible Team research project. The project sought to explore three novel rejuvenator application methods using the emulsion and foaming technologies and determine their impacts on the workability and cracking resistance of high-reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) asphalt mixtures. To that end, a comprehensive experimental plan was developed, which consisted of four supplementary experiments focusing on rejuvenator characterization, foaming measurements of rejuvenators and rejuvenated asphalt binders, RAP pretreatment and marination evaluations, and mixture performance testing, respectively. Test results indicated that adding rejuvenators for RAP pretreatment significantly improved the overall quality characteristics of RAP, with the emulsion method being more effective than the spray-on and foaming methods. Marinating the pretreated RAP had a notable impact on the rheological and chemical properties of the extracted RAP binders, but it did not significantly affect the overall quality characteristics of RAP. Adding rejuvenators, in general, improved the workability and cracking resistance of high-RAP mixtures, but the degree of improvement varied depending on the rejuvenator type and dosage, RAP quality, and other mix design variables. Among the different rejuvenator application methods, pre-blending the rejuvenator into the virgin binder provided slightly better or equivalent rejuvenating effectiveness and thus, mixture performance properties, than adding the rejuvenator for RAP pretreatment. Based on these findings, it was recommended that asphalt contractors continue to use the pre-blending method of adding rejuvenators for the design and production of high-RAP mixtures due to performance and ease of operation considerations.

Sept. 20, 2022

Longitudinal Cracking Investigation on I-72 Experimental Unbonded Concrete Overlay presented by Jeff Roesler, Ph.D. of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

A research study investigated longitudinal cracking developing along an experimental unbonded concrete overlay (UBOL) on I-72 in rural Illinois. Detailed distress surveys and coring were conducted to assess the extent of the longitudinal cracking and faulting along the longitudinal lane-shoulder joint. Coring over the transverse contraction joints in the driving lane showed stripping and erosion of the dense-graded hot-mix asphalt (HMA) interlayer was the primary mechanism initiating the longitudinal cracks. Cores from the lane-shoulder joint confirmed stripping and erosion was also occurring there and leading to the elevation difference between the driving lane and shoulder. Field sections by surrounding state departments of transportation (DOTs), such as Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, with similar UBOL design features to the I-72 section were examined. Evidence from other DOTs suggested that HMA interlayers, whether dense graded or drainable, could experience stripping, erosion, and instability under certain conditions. An existing performance test for interlayers, i.e., Hamburg wheel-tracking device, and current models reviewed were not able to predict the distresses on I-72 eastbound. The integration of the separation layer and a pathway for subsurface drainage are key components to good performing unbonded concrete overlay.

Aug. 16, 2022

Highway Project Delivery and As-builts Are Leveraging Digital Practices & Data presented by Dave Unkefer, P.E. of FHWA

This presentation will highlight important research, Every Day Counts and other digital project delivery initiatives by FHWA that are aimed to better leverage digital practices and data for greater productivity. We live in a time when digital practices and data are a foundation for much of what we do - from smart phones to the cloud to the internet - and we need to bring that power into how we do our business. Our next generation workforce will expect it. FHWA and our stakeholders have selected these strategic initiatives to fill gaps that should help the U.S. highway industry better advance the power of digital practices and related productivity improvement opportunities. The presentation will provide an overview of these initiatives, including benefits seen by agencies in the U.S. and worldwide. We will also highlight the national and international state of practice and what we have learned from agencies regarding enhancing implementation and technology deployment. We will share FHWA resources available to support your implementation efforts, including grants and EDC-6 technical assistance opportunities.

July 19, 2022

ICT as a Service and for Compliance – How ICT Research has led to the Removal of Technicians from Construction Sites in the UK presented by Ruairi Charlesworth of Highway Data Systems

Highway Data Systems are a certified materials testing house who operate their own ICT hardware and software as an integrated service for asphalt contractors in the UK and Ireland. Highway Data Systems research has been used by national and local overseeing organizations to update technical specifications for asphalt testing and is the driving force behind using ICT for compliance as well as quality assurance in road construction.

This talk will discuss HDS technology, how ICT can be delivered as a service and explain how ICT is being used for asphalt testing compliance in the UK and Ireland.

April 19, 2022

Spray on Rejuvenator Test Sections, Preventive Maintenance Team Project Update
See the project page

Feb. 15, 2022

Development of Concrete Mix Designs/Matrix of Materials, Performance Properties, and Construction Field Sampling and Testing Expectations During Construction by Larry Sutter, Ph.D., P.E., Michigan Tech and Sutter Engineering
See project page

Jan. 18, 2022

Understanding and Improving Pavement Milling Operations by Eshan Dave, ICT Team Project Update
Unfortunately, the recording of this webinar is not available.

Dec. 21, 2021

Improve Material Inputs into Mechanistic Design Properties for Reclaimed HMA Roadways by Bora Cetin, Ph.D., Geotechnical Team Project Update

Nov. 16, 2021

Developing Best Practices for Rehabilitation of Concrete with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlays Related to Density and Reflective Cracking by Eshan Dave, Ph.D. and Katie Haslett, Ph.D., Flexible Team Project Update

Oct. 19, 2021

No webinar due to other event conflicts

Sept. 21, 2021

Performance Benefits of Fiber-Reinforced Thin Concrete Pavement and Overlays by Manik Barman, Ph.D., Rigid Team Project Update

Aug. 17, 2021

Research and Evaluation of Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) presented by Todd Thomas, P.E., Asphalt Materials, Inc. and Jerry Geib, P.E., MnDOT

This presentation will discuss the research that was completed by Illinois DOT and Minnesota DOT on Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) to solve premature failure at the longitudinal joints. The findings from the research led to the implementation of their VRAM special provision.

July 20, 2021

Evaluation of Long-Term Impacts of Early Opening of Concrete Pavements by Lev Khazanovich, Ph.D. of University of Pittsburgh

The presentation will introduce a new mechanistic-based model for evaluation of concrete strength requirements for early opening of rigid pavements to traffic. See the project page.

June 15, 2021

Pavement Sustainability by Heather Dylla, Ph.D., FHWA

With renewed focus on climate change mitigation, economic strength, equity, and safety, incorporating principles of sustainability into our engineering and design of pavements is critical. This presentation will highlight some of the upcoming challenges engineers will face and identify what tools and resources are available.

Download Heather's slides (PDF)

May 18, 2021

Seismic Approach to Quality Management of HMA Project Update presented by Choon Park, Ph.D., Park Seismic, LLC, Nils Ryden, Norrfee Tech, Sweden, and Jason Richter, PG, MnDOT

A project overview and update will be provided describing development of a new device capable of measuring seismic properties of HMA in non-contact, rolling fashion for quality management purposes.

April 20, 2021

Determining Pavement Design Criteria for Recycled Aggregate Base and Large Stone Subbase Project Update presented by Bora Cetin, Ph.D., Michigan State University and Raul Velasquez, Ph.D., P.E., Minnesota Department of Transportation
This project's webpage

In this RPO, a summary of a comprehensive laboratory and field study of recycled aggregate bases (including RCA and RAP) is presented. Field study included over 2 years of monitored performance of several MnROAD test sections.

March 16, 2021

FRC Jointless Roundabouts in Minnesota Project Update presented by Peter Taylor, Ph.D., P.E., Iowa State (PI) and Maria Masten, P.E., MnDOT (TL)

In 2018, MnDOT constructed a jointless fiber-reinforced concrete roundabout. Maria Masten, Technical Liaison, MnDOT Concrete Engineer, will discuss an overview of the project including goals, construction details, whether MnDOT would do this again and what MnDOT might change. Dr. Peter Taylor, Principal Investigator, National CP Tech Center, Iowa State University, will discuss the Year 1 and Year 2 performance reports.

Feb. 16, 2021

Comprehensive Pavement Evaluation: Going beyond the surface to make the right decisions” presented by Ken Maser, Infrasense and Dave Hein, consultant

They highlight how knowledge of the subsurface conditions can enhance decision making in a number of scenarios. Some applications covered include rehabilitation design, support for in-place recycling efforts, impact of overweight vehicles, failure investigations, and others.

Dec. 15, 2020

"Evaluation of Performance of MnDOT Unbonded Overlay Using Reliability Analysis" presented by Bernard I. Izevbekhai, P.E., Ph.D., MnDOT

Unbonded overlay (UBOL) is defined as consisting of a concrete pavement layer built over a stress-relief layer on an existing concrete pavement substrate. The plethora of UBOL section performance data in the Minnesota network was studied using Reliability (Weibull) Analysis, Stepwise Linear Regression, and the Kullback-Leibler Divergence. Reliability Analysis accentuated the typical failure mode, characteristic service life and preventive maintenance advantages. Stepwise Linear Regression isolated the statistically significant predictive indicators of service life while the Kullback Liebler divergence facilitated the comparison of performance curves. This research elucidated and validated unbonded overlay as a long-term fix.

Nov. 17, 2020

MnROAD’s Contribution Toward Improvements in Concrete Pavement Technology” by Tom Burnham, Senior Road Research Engineer, Minnesota DOT

Since 1994, the MnROAD facility has been unique in its broad focus on research related to all types of pavement. This has been particularly true for advancements in concrete pavement technology. In this presentation, the unique and significant MnROAD research findings that have improved concrete pavement technology not only in Minnesota, but throughout the U.S. and other parts of the world, are highlighted.

Oct. 20, 2020

"Introduction to Online Systems for Test Section Tracking at MnROAD" by Ben Worel and Steve Henrichs, MnDOT

Sept. 15, 2020

2020 Pavement Workshop Invited Speaker | "The Federal Highway Administration’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center and Pavement Research" by Cheryl Richter, Ph.D., P.E. of FHWA

Aug. 18, 2020

"Use of Road Doctor for Evaluation of Pavements Affected by Severe Crack-heaving (tenting)" by Eyoab Zegeye Teshal, Ph.D., P.E. of MnDOT

Pavement crack-heaving, also referred to as tenting, is a distress condition that primarily affects bituminous roads constructed in cold climates. This type of distress can stretch over long segments of roadways, and drastically impact the comfort and safety of drivers. Due to the complexities of the phenomenon and lack of established rapid testing tools, tenting issues are not yet well-understood and well-addressed. To help address the lack of adequate and rapid measuring tools for tenting, MnDOT experimented with its integrated and multi-sensor survey van (Road Doctor) and conducted extensive testing on District 1 highway roads suspected of tenting. The survey van was equipped with multiple linked and synchronized devices, including high-definition video and thermal cameras, LIDAR laser scanner, high-resolution accelerometer, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) antennas. The data revealed important surface and subsurface pavement tenting characteristics and led to the development of test parameters that captured reasonably well the intensity and frequency of the tented cracks. This presentation will discuss the findings and the lesson learned.

July 21, 2020

2020 Pavement Workshop Invited Speaker | Development of a Sustainable Procurement Roadmap using Life Cycle Assessment based Environmental Product Declarations by Amlan Mukherjee, Ph.D., P.E., associate professor, Michigan Technological University

June 16, 2020

Developing Best Practices for Rehabilitation of Concrete with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlays Related to Density and Reflective Cracking by Eshan Dave, Ph.D. and Katie Haslett of University of New Hampshire
See the project page.

April 21, 2020

Performance Benefits of Fiber-Reinforced Thin Concrete Pavement and Overlays by Manik Barman, University of Minnesota - Duluth
See the project page.

March 17, 2020

Effective Concrete Partial Depth Joint Repairs in Challenging Conditions review by Heidi Olson of Braun Intertec
See the project page.

Feb. 18, 2020

Evaluation of Long-Term Impacts of Early Opening of Concrete Pavements by Lev Khazanovich of University of Pittsburgh
See the project page.

Jan. 21, 2020

Mix Rejuvenator Projects: Asphalt Spray-on Mix Rejuvenator Synthesis by Andrea Blanchette & Sheue Torng Lee of WSB; Asphalt Mix Rejuvenator Test Sections Construction Summary by Michael Vrtis of MnDOT

Dec. 17, 2019

Ultrasonic Tomography for Concrete Pavement Investigations by Tom Burnham, MnDOT

Nov. 19, 2019

Determining Pavement Design Criteria for Recycled Aggregate Base and Large Stone Subbase presented by Bora Cetin, Ph.D. for Iowa State University
See the project page.

Oct. 15, 2019

Reduced Cementitious Material in Optimized Concrete Mixtures with Dr. Hamed Sadati of Iowa State University
See the project page.

July 16, 2019

Dustex with Steve Dickman and Lloyd Sundstol presented on a new product for base stabilization. Our presenters requested we also make the following packet of information about Dustex available.

June 18, 2019

Petrographic Laboratory Investigations of the Oldest Concrete Pavement in America presented by Gerard Moulzolf from American Engineering Testing

April 16, 2019

A Study of Diamond Grinding Performance in Texas with Feng Hong from the Texas Department of Transportation

March 19, 2019

Determining Pavement Design Criteria for Large Stone Subbase Materials with Bora Cetin, Assistant Professor in the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Area in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University

Feb. 19, 2019

Guide for Concrete Pavement Distress Assessments and Solutions by Dale S. Harrington, P.E., founding Director of the Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University.

Dec. 18, 2018

Mechanistic design of permeable pavements based on accelerated pavement testing with David R. Smith and Dave Jones, UC Davis Pavement Research Center.

Nov. 20, 2018

The long-term research conducted by NRRA teams: Rigid, Flexible, Geotech, and Pavement Maintenance, was constructed in the summer and fall of 2017. Now these test cells are a year old and our principal investigators for each project talk about what we have learned so far.

Morning Session  |  Afternoon Session

Oct. 16, 2018

Development of Energy-, Cost-, and Environment-Based Life-Cycle Tool for In-Place Recycling Methods with Professors Hasan Ozer and Imad Al-Qadi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Sept. 18, 2018

UAV and Close Range Photogrammetry (CRP) Studies for Transportation Infrastructure Surveys and Condition Assessment with Anand J. Puppala and Surya S. C. Congress, University of Texas Arlington

July 17, 2018

Tire Derived Aggregates with Monte Niemi, First State Tire

June 19, 2018

Panel Discussion of Rejuvenators with Amy Epps Martin, Texas A and M, Zachry Dept. of Civil Engineering and Matt Mueller, formerly with the Illinois DOT

April 17, 2018

Chip Seal Program in Oregon with Ashley Buss, Iowa State University.

March 20, 2018

Recycled Concrete Aggregates in New Concrete Pavements with Farhad Reza, Professor Department of Mechanical & Civil Engineering, Minnesota State University Mankato

Feb. 20, 2018

MnDOT’s Use of the Paver Mounted Thermal Profile (PMTP) Method and Veta Software to Find Quality of Work Issues in HMA Paving with Rebecca Embacher, Advanced Materials and Technology Engineer, MnDOT Office of Materials and Road Research

Jan. 16, 2018

Pavement Preservation Panel Discussion with Jerry Geib, Buzz Powell, and John Roberts

Dec. 19, 2017

Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in Pavement Preservation Applications with Don Matthews, TSD Manager Chief Engineer for Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. in Jurupa Valley, CA.

Nov. 21, 2017

Biomaterials and Biopolymers with Chris Williams, Gerald & Audrey Olson Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Asphalt Materials & Pavements Program, Iowa State University.

Oct. 17, 2017

Validated Intelligent Compaction (VIC) Testing at MnROAD and Engineering Data Analysis with David J. White, Ph.D., P.E. President and Chief Engineer, Ingios Geotechnics, Inc

Sept. 19, 2017

The Effects of Bio-Sealants or Rejuvenators on Asphalt Binder and Mixture Properties with Debaroti Ghosh, Research Engineer for MnDOT

July 18, 2017

Balanced Mix Design with David Newcomb from the Materials and Pavement Division of Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Cracking Test Videos (PowerPoint)

May 16, 2017

Factors Affecting Asphalt Mix Durability

April 18, 2017

NRRA Long Range Research Plans (PowerPoint)

March 21, 2017

Determination of Structural Value of Geogrid Reinforcement in Pavement Layers with John Siekmeier, P.E., M.ASCE

Feb. 21, 2017

Barriers to Implementation of In-Place Recycling

December 2016

Automated Machine Guidance for Muck Excavation on CSAH 61/101 (PDF) with Jim Schneider, MnDOT

November 2016

Forensic Investigation of Recycled Unbound Base and Asphalt Surface Materials (PDF) with Hyung Jun Ahn, MnDOT

October 2016

Full-Coverage Nondestructive Asphalt Pavement Compaction Assessments using Ground Penetrating Radar Array-measured Dielectrics (PDF) with Kyle Hoegh, MnDOT

September 2016

Prescription to Performance Initiative in Concrete (MnDOT's Journey) (PDF) with Maria Masten, P.E., MnDOT Concrete Engineer

August 2016

Subsurface Condition Evaluation for Asphalt Pavement Preservation Treatments with Hyung Jun Ahn, MnDOT

July 2016

MnROAD Concrete Preservation (PDF) with Tom Burnham, MnDOT

June 2016

Feasibility of Concrete Pavement Joint Condition Evaluation (A 2016 UMN-MnDOT Capstone Project) (PDF) with Bernard Izevbekhai, MnDOT; Nathan Bausman, Kelsey Peterson and Brett Yanta, University of Minnesota,

May 2016

NCAT / MnROAD Project Update with Jerry Geib and Dave Van Deusen, MnDOT

April 2016

Development of Whitetopping Performance Curves (PDF) with Tom Burnham, MnDOT

March 2016

Surface Textures and Their Effect on Vehicle Tracking (PDF) with Bernard Izevbekhai, MnDOT

February 2016

Current Required Strength of Concrete Roadways Before Opening to Traffic with Lev Khazanovich, University of Minnesota

January 2016

Wide Based Tire, a Minnesota Pooled Fund Update (PDF) with Shongtao Dai and Tim Anderson, MnDOT

Dec. 15, 2015

HMA Longitudinal Joint Construction Evaluation (PDF) with Ed Johnson and John Garrity, MnDOT

Nov. 17, 2015

Rehabilitation of Interstate 394 in 2015: Next Generation Concrete Surface (PDF) with Bernard Izevbekhai, P.E., Ph.D, Concrete Research Engineer and Chris Kufner, P.E. Metro District Pavement/Materials Engineer of MnDOT

Oct. 20, 2015

Thermal Cracking and the Use of DCT Performance Testing (PDF) with Chelsea Hanson and John Garrity, MnDOT

Sept. 15, 2015

Invention of the Aggregate Avoidance Method For Evaluating Interfacial Bond in Pavement Materials (PDF) with Bernard Izevbekhai, MnDOT

Aug. 18, 2015

Results from the Minnesota Whitetopping Field Review throughout the State (PDF) with Tom Burnham, MnDOT

July 21, 2015

Chip Seals - Use and Benefit to Minnesota (PDF) with Thomas Wood, MnDOT

June 16, 2015

Seminar Kick Off (PDF) with Ben Worel, MnDOT