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Road Research

NRRA Flexible Team

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | Flexible Team

Developing Best Practices for Rehabilitation of Concrete with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlays Related to Density and Reflective Cracking

Status: Complete

Project summary

Asphalt overlays are commonly used to rehabilitate deteriorated PCC pavements; however, mechanically or thermally-driven movements at joints and cracks in the underlying pavement usually lead to the development of reflective cracks in the overlay. The formation and propagation of reflection cracking is controlled by the mechanical properties of the asphalt and the condition of the overlaid pavement. Current state of practice for asphalt overlay design is policy oriented and lacking engineered design approach. There is need for establishing state of practice in design of overlays as well as for assessment of PCC pavement condition and recommending improvements to existing pavement prior to overlay construction. Objective of the proposed study is to develop a simple decision tree based tool for selecting suitable asphalt mixtures and overlay designs to prolong overlay lives by lowering reflective cracking and improving in-situ density. This research will leverage current NRRA effort of constructing, instrumenting and monitoring twelve MnROAD test sections, laboratory performance tests on asphalt mixtures from the test sections, and past field performance data. Proposed tool will incorporate field performance data, performance modelling, and life cycle cost analysis to develop best practices for rehabilitation of PCC with asphalt overlays.

Project tasks/status

Original Need Statement: Developing Best Practices for Rehabilitation of Concrete with Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Overlays related to Density and Reflective Cracking (DOC), June 14, 2017

Task 1: Literature review

Task 2: Gathering past performance data and laboratory testing

Task 3: Mechanistic analysis of HMA overlays

Task 4: Asphalt density evolution over time

Task 5: Developing life and performance curves for asphalt overlays and analysis of the performance monitoring completed by MnROAD staff

Task 6: Establish state of the practice for PCC condition

Task 7: Establishment of state of the practice for HMA mixtures and their effects on reflective cracking

Task 8: Compile report, technical advisory panel review, and revisions

Task 9: Editorial review and publication of final report

Task 10: Out-of-state travel

Project team

Principal Investigator(s): Eshan V. Dave, University of New Hampshire
Technical Liaison: Shongtao Dai, MnDOT
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)

  • Tim Andersen, MnDOT
  • James Bittmann, MnDOT
  • Cody Brand, MnDOT
  • Brandon Brever, MAPA
  • Tom Burnham, MnDOT
  • Andy Cascione, Flint Hills
  • Shongtao Dai, MnDOT
  • Chris Dulian. MnDOT
  • John Garrity, MnDOT
  • Jerry Geib, MnDOT
  • Ed Johnson, MnDOT
  • Kevin Kennedy, Michigan DOT
  • Daniel Oesch, MoDOT
  • Barry Paye, WisDOT
  • Randy West, NCAT
  • Charles Wienrank, Illinois DOT
  • Zhanping You, MTU

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