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Road Research

NRRA Intelligent Construction Technologies Team

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | ICT Team

Validation of Electronic Truck Delivery Ticketing of HMA Material

Status: Complete
Project Period: 2018 Construction Season


This study pilots the use of electronic delivery tickets (E-Ticket) for reporting the delivery of HMA material. E-Tickets provide an electronic scale/delivery ticket with all the same information as a typical paper scale ticket and provides broader and more immediate availability. E-Tickets identify the tonnage and type of HMA material produced, when and how much HMA is deposited into the delivery truck, the location of the delivery truck during transport, anticipated arrival time, and documents time stamps for when the delivery truck leaves the plant, arrives at the project site and arrives at the paver location, then also records the location where mix is deposited into the paver or in a windrow.

Project tasks

  • Verify the availability of the E-Ticket prior to HMA material delivery. This step includes evaluating the ability to access E-Tickets and being able to read on a mobile device (smartphone, laptop, and tablet).
  • Validate the correctness of E-Ticket information relative to the information provided with the typical paper delivery ticket and the required specification.
  • Observe the GPS tracking system reporting the delivery of HMA including delivery vehicle locations and transport times.
  • Confirm time and location stamps at the plant (point of production), upon arrival to the project, and when unloading at the paver (point of placement).

Project team

Principal Investigator: Joseph Korzilius, SRF Consulting Group
Technical Liaison: Rebecca Embacher, MnDOT
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP):

  • Rebecca Embacher, MnDOT
  • Jim Schneider, MnDOT
  • Curt Turgeon, MnDOT
  • Joseph Korzilius, SRF Consulting Group
  • Renae Kuehl, SRF Consulting Group
  • Michael Malsczycki, SRF Consulting Group
  • Greg Symanietz, SRF Consulting Group

Additional resource

“Hot Mix Asphalt Trucking" by Don Brock (ASTEC) (PDF)

Final report

E-ticketing Final Report (doc), December 2019