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Road Research

NRRA Intelligent Construction Technologies Team

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | ICT Team

Support Importing, Viewing and Analysis of Dielectric Constant Data in Veta

Contract: 1027236 – Amendment Number 2
Status: Active
Project Start Date: March 3, 2019
Project End Date: December 31, 2020


Veta is a map-based tool for viewing and analyzing geospatial data, currently including intelligent compaction (IC), paver-mounted thermal profiling (PMTP), and laser test rolling. It is developed and continuously enhanced under the sponsorship of MnDOT and TPF Pooled Fund Study “TPF-5(334) Enhancement to the Intelligent Construction Data Management System (Veta) and Implementation”. It is required in the FHWA IC specifications, AASHTO PP80 “Standard Practice for Continuous Thermal Profile of Asphalt Mixture Construction”, AASHTO PP81 “Standard Practice for Intelligent Compaction Technology for Embankment and Asphalt Pavement Applications”, and more than 25 DOT IC/PMTP specifications.

Recent advancements in multi-channel and multi-frequency Ground Penetration RADAR (GPR) for road subsurface inspection allow measurements of geo-referenced dielectric constants and predicted pavement materials’ air void values. The latter can be obtained based on linear correlation coefficient constants between dielectric constants and corresponding asphalt core densities/air voids.

The draft AASHTO “Standard Specification for File Format of Intelligent Construction Data” will serve as the standard format for intelligent construction technologies (ICT) data files to facilitate the data exchange and storage for IC, PMTP, laser test rolling, GPR-based dielectric constants, and other merging ICT.

To leverage the values of GPR technologies, there is a need to implement a feature in Veta to import GPR-based dielectric constant files in the AASHTO Intelligent Construction Data standard Format and view, and analyze the dielectric constant data, similar to that for IC and PMTP data.

The new Veta features would include:

  1. Import GPR dielectric constants data files in the AASHTO Intelligent Construction Data Standard Format.
    The raw dielectric constants will be imported. The predicted air voids will be calculated using the imported equation, if available.
  2. Add data maps, filters, and analyses for dielectric constants data and predicted air voids.

The measured dielectric constants and predicted air voids data will be treated similar to IC and PMTP data. The viewing, filtering, spot test, analysis screens would be similar to those used for these technologies.

Project Tasks

Amendment Number 2 – Task C.18 “Support Importing, Viewing and Analysis of Dielectric Constant Data”

  • Deliverable: Updated Electronic Version of Veta Intelligent Construction Data Management (ICDM) Tool

Project team

Email the Project Team
Principal Investigator:
George Chang, The Transtec Group, Inc.
Technical Liaison: Rebecca Embacher, MnDOT
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP): Contact us to join this TAP

  • Curt Dunn, North Dakota DOT
  • Ragu Thangavelautham, Caltrans
  • Brian Hill, Illinois DOT
  • Dan Oesch, Missouri DOT
  • Veta Pooled Fund - TPF-5 (334) Enhancements to Intelligent Construction Data Management System (Veta) and Implementation