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Road Research

NRRA Flexible Team

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | Flexible Team

Novel Methods for Adding Rejuvenators in Asphalt Mixtures with High Recycled Binder Ratios

Status: Complete
Project Start Date: December 31, 2020
Project End Date: December 21, 2021

Project objectives

The overall objective of this study is to explore three novel methods for adding rejuvenators and determine their impacts on the performance properties of asphalt mixtures with high recycled binder ratios. Specifically, this study seeks to:

  1. optimize the foaming characteristics of asphalt rejuvenators and rejuvenated asphalt binders;
  2. quantify the dispersion of foamed and emulsified rejuvenators in RAP/RAS and their impacts on the SARA (saturate, aromatic, resin, and asphaltene) fractions of recycled asphalt binders; and
  3. determine the impacts of different methods for adding rejuvenators on the workability, fatigue cracking resistance, and thermal cracking resistance of high RAP/RAS asphalt mixtures.

Project tasks

Task 1: Project kick-off meeting

Task 2: Material selection and acquisition

Task 3: Work plan execution

(1) Characterizing asphalt rejuvenators
(2) Foaming asphalt rejuvenators and rejuvenated binders
(3) Characterizing dispersion of rejuvenators in RAP/RAS
(4) Mixture performance evaluation

Task 4: Quarterly progress reports

  • Deliverables: quarterly progress reports for duration of project

Task 5: Project close-out meeting

Task 6: Final report

Project team

Principal Investigators: Fan Yin, Ph.D., P.E., and Raquel Moraes, Ph.D.,, National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University
Industry Partner: Blacklidge Emulsions, Inc.
Technical Liaison: Erik Lyngdal, Wisconsin DOT,
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)

  • Andy Cascione, Flint Hills Resources
  • Jerry Geib, MnDOT
  • Stacy Glidden, Walbec Group
  • Dan Staebell, MBCC Group
  • Hassan Tabatabaee, Cargill
  • Michael Vrtis, MnDOT