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Road Research

NRRA Preventive Maintenance Team

MnROAD | NRRA | Structure & Teams | Preventive Maintenance Team

Hot Rubber Seal Coating to Survive Wet and Frozen Environments

Status: In development


The main objective of this project is to demonstrate the use of hot rubber seal coating to reduce premature stripping and extend the service life of Minnesota pavement. Both lab and field demonstrations will be planned in this project with support from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the industry partner. The interface bond fatigue test and shear bond fatigue test developed in an earlier study funded by LRRB/MnDOT could be used to assess the stripping damage property of seal coating, and the field bond strength test could directly reflect the seal coating field bond performance.


Task 1: Initial memorandum on expected research benefits and potential implementation steps

During the proposal phase and the development of the work plan, key benefits were selected to clearly define the benefits the state will receive from the results and conclusions of this research. This task will provide an initial assessment of research benefits, a proposed methodology, and potential implementation steps.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: 05/31/2024.
  • Deliverable: A memorandum providing initial estimates of expected research benefits, documentation of the methodology, and potential implementation steps.

Task 2: Literature review

The research team will compile and summarize current research for Seal coating applications with a focus on pavement preservation and current test methods.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: 5/31/2024
  • Deliverable: Memo report

Task 3: Laboratory testing between conventional seal coating and hot rubber seal coating with Minnesota materials

Two or more types of emulsions (such as CRS2P) and four types of aggregate (such as Granite FA-2.0, Granite FA-2.5, Red-Rock FA-2.5, and Trap-Rock shown in Figure 1) will be compared under the recommend asphalt-emulsion application rate in this study. The performances to be evaluated include aggregate loss, bond strength, surface frictional properties, and macrotexture. Lab tests include the sweep test, interlayer tensile strength test, interlayer shear strength test, and surface friction test. They will be conducted based on relevant testing standards.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: 5/31/2025.
  • Deliverable: Memo report

Task 4: Field construction of hot rubber seal coating, testing

Field test sections will be constructed as demonstration projects. It is suggested to apply the hot rubber seal coating at a few sites at MnROAD. It should be noted that the construction can be planned in both mainline and low-volume road sections at MnROAD. During and after the construction of the trial sections, the research team will conduct field surveys. The surveys will include an evaluation of the skid resistance and surface texture of these hot rubber seal coating sections. The research team will report the survey and test results to MnDOT. It is anticipated that all parties will know how these projects are performing long term. The research team will work with MnROAD staff to collect data for further analysis. The research findings will be presented at regional or national conferences or a possible training event for county engineers and MnDOT engineers.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: 08/31/2025
  • Deliverable: Memo report

Task 5: Data analysis and prepare draft final report

The research outcomes from this project can be easily replicated by any agency. The data and analysis results will be made publicly accessible through publication, and public outreach so that the results will benefit the entire state. A draft report will be prepared, following MnDOT publication guidelines, to document project activities, findings, and recommendations. This report will need to be reviewed by the technical advisory panel. The research team will hold a technical advisory panel meeting to discuss the draft report and any recommended changes. Panel members may be consulted for clarification or discussion of comments.

  • Scheduled Date for Task Final Approval: 12/31/2025
  • Deliverable: Memo report

Task 6: Final memorandum on research benefits and implementation steps

During earlier phases of the project, key benefits were selected to clearly define the benefits the State of Minnesota will receive from the results and conclusions of this research. This task will produce a final memorandum that clarifies and documents the methodology used to calculate benefits, including any assumptions and steps required. In addition to quantitative
calculations (when feasible), this task should also include a qualitative discussion of the estimated benefits. The memorandum should also include key steps that agencies could take to implement the research.

  • Scheduled Date for Final Task Approval: 12/31/2025.
  • Deliverable: A final technical memorandum at the end of the project that provides details of the methodology, steps, and approach for evaluating benefits, benefits quantification results, and discussion of the next steps for implementation.

Task 7: Compile report, technical advisory panel review, and revisions

The PI will prepare a draft final report, following MnDOT publication guidelines, to document project activities, findings, and recommendations. This report will be reviewed by the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP), updated by the PI to incorporate technical comments, and then approved by the Technical Liaison before this task is considered complete. If possible, a TAP meeting will be scheduled to facilitate the discussion of the draft report

  • Scheduled Date for Final Task Approval: 12/31/2025
  • Deliverables: A draft final report for TAP review, and a revised report that is technically complete and approved by the TL for publication.

Task 8: Final report

The draft report will be updated by the Principal Investigator to incorporate technical advisory comments or suggestions. The final version of the report will be approved by the panel before this task is considered complete.

  • Scheduled Date for Final Task Approval: 12/31/2025
  • Deliverables: Final report

Project team

Email the Project Team
Principal Investigator: Zhanping You, Distinguished Professor, Michigan Technological University,
Technical Liaison: Joseph Podolsky, MnDOT,
Project Technical Advisory Panel (TAP): Contact us to join this TAP

  • Robert Betsold, All States Materials Group
  • Stephen Cooper, FHWA
  • Neal Frey, Entech
  • Robert Green, Michigan DOT
  • Eddie Johnson, MnDOT
  • Jim Lillo, Bay County Road Commission, Michigan
  • Oak Metcalfe, Montana DOT
  • Joseph Podolsky, MnDOT (TL)
  • Joel Ulring, MnDOT
  • Cory Whale, Bay County Road Commission, Michigan

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